Small Business Taxes & Management


Small Business Taxes & ManagementTM--Copyright 1999-2023, A/N Group, Inc.


Note: This list contains two sections--Business Abbreviations and Special IRS and Tax Abbreviations, below. Be sure to check both lists for tax abbreviations. Use the find feature in your browser to speed the search. Some abbreviations appear twice. Finally, there's a list of Significant Tax Legislation and the accompanying abbreviations.


Business Abbreviations


2FA--Two-factor authentication
90DSAC--90 days, same as cash

A&H--Accident and health insurance
A&I--Accident and indemnity
A&S--Accident and sickness insurance
AAA--American Accounting Association also Association of Accounting Administrators
AAA-CPA--American Association of Attorney-Certified Public Accountants
AAG--Audit and accounting guides
AAPC--Accounting and Auditing Policy Committee
AATF--Airport and Airway Trust Fund
AAGR--Annual average growth rate
ABA--American Bar Association
ABA--American Bankers Association
ABA--Accredited Business Accountant
ABC--Activity based costing
ABC--Assignment for the benefit of creditors
ABCP--Asset backed commercial paper
ABL--Asset-based lending (also, asset-based loan)
ABO--Accumulated benefit obligations
ABP--Average benefit percentage
ABS--Asset based securitization (also asset based securities)
ABV--Accredited in Business Valuation
ACFE--Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
ACH--Automated clearing house
ACLI--American Council of Life Insurance
ACII--American Association of Individual Investors
ACO--Accountable care organization
ACP--Average contribution percentage
ACR--Actual contribution ratio
ACRS--Accelerated cost recovery system
ACV--Actual cash value
AD&D--Accidental death and dismemberment
ADA--Americans with Disabilities Act
ADB--Asian Development Bank
ADC--Acquisition, development and construction
ADEA--Age Discrimination in Employment Act
ADI--After date of invoice
ADJ--Adjust or adjustment
ADP--Average deferral percent
ADP--Actual deferral percentage
ADP--Applicable distribution period
ADR--Asset depreciation range
ADR--American depositary receipt
ADR--Alternative dispute resolution
ADR--Average deferral ratio
ADR--Average daily rate
ADS--Alternative depreciation system
A/E--Accured expense (also AE)
AE--Actual expense
AET--Accumulated earnings tax
AEI--American Enterprise Institute
AER--Annual equivalent rate
AFB--American Farm Bureau
AFC--Average fixed costs
AFP--Association for Financial Professionals
AFDA--Allowance for doubtful accounts
AFDC--Aid to Families with Dependent Children
AFE--Average funds employed
AFN--Additional funds needed
AFN--Annual funding notice
AFR--Applicable federal rate
AFR--Annualized failure rate
AFSI--Adjusted financial statement income
AFTS--Automatic funds transfer services
AGI--Adjusted gross income
AICPA--American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
AIME--Average indexed monthly earnings
AIMS--Advertising and integrated marketing solutions
AIR--Assumed investment rate
AJE--Adjusting journal entry (also A/J/E)
ALJ--Administrative Law Judge
ALV--Average lease value (cars)
AML--Anti-Money Laundering
AMA--American Management Association
AMC--Appraisal management companies
AMEX--American Stock Exchange
AMID--Allowable miscellaneous itemized deductions
AML--Adjustable mortgage loan
AMPS--Auction market preferred stock
AMT--Alternative minimum tax
AMTFTC--Alternative Minimum Tax Foreign Tax Credit
AMTI--Alternative minimum taxable income
ANOVA--Analysis of variance
ANSI--American National Standards Institute
A.O.B.--Any other business (also a.o.b.)
AON--All or none order
AOQL--Average outgoing quality level
AOV--Average order value
A/P--Accounts payable (also AP)
APB--Accounting Principles Board
APIC--Additional paid-in capital
APR--Annual percentage rate
APT--Arbitrage pricing theory
APV--Adjusted present value
APY--Annual percentage yield
AQL--Acceptable quality level
A/R--Accounts receivable (also AR)
ARD--Actual retirement date
ARM--Adjustable rate mortgage
ARO--After receipt of order
ARR--Average rate of return
ARS--Auction rate securities
ART--Annual renewable term
A/S--Account sales
ASB--Auditing standards board
ASB--Accounting Standards Board
ASBL--American Small Business League
ASF--American Securitization Forum
ASP--Application service provider
ASPPA--American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries
ASR--Accelerated stock repurchase
ASU--Accounting Standards Update
ATA--Accredited Tax Advisor
ATB--Adjusted trial balance
ATBVIC--Adjusted tangible book value of invested capital
ATCF--After tax cash flow
ATF--As trustee for
ATO--Asset turnover
ATP--Accredited Tax Preparer
ATNOL--Alternative Minimum Tax Net Operating Loss
ATNOLD--Alternative Minimum Tax Net Operating Loss Deduction
ATR--Americans for Tax Reform
AUM--Assets under management
AUP--Abandoned and unclaimed property

B-to-B--Business to business
B-to-C--Business to consumer
B&O--Business & occupation
B&P--Budgeting & planning
BAA--Business associate agreement
BAB--Build America Bonds
BAFO--Best and final offer
BAN--Bank anticipation notes
BAT--Business activity tax
Bcfd--Billion cubic feet per day
BDA--Big data analysis
BDC--Business Development Company
BDF--Beneficiary designation form
BEA--Bureau of Economic Analysis
BEIT--Business enterprise income tax
BET--Business entity tax
BFP--Bona fide purchaser
BHC--Bank holding company
BI--Business intelligence
BICE--Best interest contract exemption
BID--Business improvement district
BIS--Bank for International Settlements
B/L--Bill of lading
BLM--Bureau of Land Management
BLS--Bureau of Labor Statistics
BNPL--Buy now, pay later
BOE--Bank of England
BO!--Beneficial ownershiop information
BOL--Bill of lading
BOM--Bill of materials
BOMA--Building Owners and Managers Association International
BOP--Businessowner's policy
BOV--Broker's opinion of value
BOY--Beginning of year
BPA--Blanket purchase authoriation
BPD--Bureau of the Public Debt
BPD--Barrels per day
BPM--Business process management
BPM--Business performance management
BPML--Business process modeling language
BPO--Bargain purchase option
BPO--Business process optimization
BPO--Broker price opinion
BPO--Budget process outsourcing
BRC--Business reply card
BRE--Business reply envelope
BRIC--Brazil, Russia, India, and China
BRICS--Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa
BS--Balance sheet
B/S--Bank statement
BSA--Bank Secrecy Act
BTCF--Before tax cash flow
BTT--Business transfer tax
BV--Book value (also B/V)

C&D--Cease and desist
C&F--Cost and freight
C&I--Commercial and industrial
CA--Confidentiality agreement
CAD--Cash available for distribution
CAD--Computer aided design
CADR--Cash available for distribution before debt reduction
CAE--Computer aided engineering
CAGR--Compound annual growth rate
CAI--Commercially available information
CAM--Common area maintenance
CAM--Computer aided manufacturing
CAM--Critical audit matters
CAFR--Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
CAMPS--Cumulative auction market preferred stock
CAO--Chief accounting officer
CAPE--Cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio
Capex--Capital expenditures
CAPP--Cash account pension plan
CAPM--Capital asset pricing model
CAPS--Convertible adjustable preferred stock
CARDS--Custom Adjustable Rate Debt Structure
CAS--Cost accounting standards
CASB--Cost Accounting Standards Board
CAT--Commercial activity tax
CATS--Certificate of accrual on Treasury securities
CB--Carryback (also C/B)
CBD--Central business district
CBI--Confidential business information
CBIT--Comprehensive business income tax
CBO--Congressional Budget Office
CBOT--Chicago Board of Trade
CBPP--Center on Budget & Policy Priorities
CBRS--Currency banking and retrieval system
C-CPI--Chained Consumer Price Index
C-CPI-UChained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers
CCC--Commodity Credit Corporation
CCC--Cash conversion cycle
CCM--Completed contract method
CCM--Continuous control monitoring
CCP--Collateralized commercial paper
CCPA--Consumer Credit Protection Act
CCR--Central Contracting Registry
CD--Certificate of deposit
CDARS--Certificate of Account Registry Service
CDFI--Community Development Financial Institutions
CDHP--Consumer-driven health plan
CDO--Collateralized debt obligation
CDS--Credit default swaps
CE--Continuing education
CEA--Council of Economic Advisers
CEBS--Certified employee benefit specialist
CECL--Currently expected credit loss
CE&O--Customer education and outreach
CEIT--Comprehensive business income tax
CEO--Chief executive officer
CESA--Coverdell education savings account
CETA--Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1975
CF--Cash flow
CF--Carryforward (also C/F)
C. & F.--Cost and freight
CFA--Chartered financial analyst
CFA--Consumer Federation of America
CFAT--Cash flow after taxes
CFBT--Cash flow before taxes
CFC--Chartered financial consultant
CFC--Court of Federal Claims
CFE--Certified Financial Examiner
CFFO--Cash flow from operations
CFIA--Competency Framework for Internal Auditing
CFIUS--Committee on Foreign Investment in United States
CFO--Chief financial officer
CFP--Certified financial planner
CFR--Code of Federal Regulations
CFROI--Cash flow return on investment
CFS--Container freight station
CFTA--Currency and Foreign Transaction Act
CFTC--Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CFPB--Consumer Finance Protection Bureau
CGA--Charitable gift annuity
CGL--Comprehensive general liability (insurance)
CGMA--Chartered Global Management Accountant
CGS--Cost of goods sold (also COGS)
CHB--Custom house broker
ChFC--Chartered Financial Consultant
CHL--Customs house license
C&I--Commercial and industrial (e.g., loans)
CIA--Certified Internal Auditor
CIC--Consumer Information Center
CIF--Cost, insurance, and freight
CIFR--Committee on Improvements to Financial Reporting
CIK--Central index keys
CIMA--Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
CIMC--Certified investment management consultant
CIP--Carriage and insurance paid
CISSP--Certified Information Systems Security Professional
CIT--Corporate income tax
CLA--Cross licensing agreement
CLAT--Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
CLO--Collaterialized loan obligation
CLU--Chartered Life Underwriter
C.L.U.E.--Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (Report)
CLUT--Charitable Lead Unitrust
CMA--Certified Management Accountant
CMA--Comparative market analysis
CMBS--Commercial mortgage-backed securities
CME--Chicago Mercantile Exchange
CMO--Collateralized mortgage obligation
CMO--Chief marketing officer
CMS--Content management system
CMSA--Consolidated metropolitan statistical area
CMT--Constant maturity Treasury securities
CNC--Currently not collectible
CNF--Cost, not freight
CO--Certificate of Occupancy
COB--Close of business
COC--Certificate of Completion
COCA--Cost of capital allowance
COD--Cash on delivery
COD--Cancellation of debt (income)
CODI--Cancellation of debt income
CODA--Cash or deferred arrangement (e.g., 401(k) plan)
COFI--Cost of funds index
COGS--Cost of goods sold
COI--Cost of insurance
COLA--Cost of living adjustment
COLI--Cost of Living Index
COO--Chief operating officer
CORTS--Corporate-backed trust securities
COS--Cost of sales
COSO--Committee of Sponsoring Organizations
COST--Council on State Taxation
CP--Commercial paper
CPA--Certified public accountant
CPCU--Chartered property and casualty underwriter
CPDO--Constant proportion debt obligation
CPE--Continuing professional education
CPFFC--Cost-plus-fixed-fee contract
CPI--Consumer price index
CPI-U--Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers
CPI-W--Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers
CPK--Cost per keyword
CPLTD--Current portion of long-term debt
CPM--Cost per thousand (sometimes customer profitability management)
CPM--Corporate performance management
CPM--Certified Property Manager
CPM--Critical Path Method
CPM--Cost per mile
CPO--Cost per order
CPP--Capital purchase program
CPSC--Consumer Products Safety Commission
CR--Continuing resolution
CRA--Credit rating agency
CRAT--Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
CRE--Commercial real estate
CRFB--Committe for Responsible Federal Budget
CRM--Customer Relationship Management
CRNLD--Cost of reproduction new less depreciation
CRO--Chief restructing officer
CRO--Chief risk officer
CROCI--Cash return on cash invested
CRPC--Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor
CRS--Congressional Research Service
CRSR--Congressional Research Service Report
CRT--Charitable Remainder Trust
CRUT--Charitable Remainder Unitrust
CSA--Capital support agreement
CSA--Cost sharing arrangement
CSI--Commissioners Standard Industrial Mortality Table
CSO--Commissioners Standard Ordinary Mortality Table
CSPN--College Savings Plan Network
CSR--Customer service representative
CSR--Corporate social responsibilty
CSRS--Civil Service Retirement System
CSV--Cash surrender value
CSVLI--Cash surrender value life insurance
CTA--Corporate Transparency Act
CTFA--Certified trust & financial advisor
CTJ--Citizens for Tax Justice
C-TPAT--Customs-Trade Industry Against Terrorism
CTR--Currency transaction report
CTV--Capital timber value
Cum Div--Cumulative dividend
Cum Pfd--Cumulative preferred
CUNA--Credit Union National Assocation
CUSIP--Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures
CVLI--Cash value life insurance
CVP--Cost volume profit
CY--Calendar year

D&B--Dun and Bradstreet
DAC--Delivery against cost
DAF--Donor advised fund
DAN--Depositor account number
DAPT--Domestic asset protection trust
DAS--dynamic audit aolution
DB--Defined benefit plan
DBA--Doing business as
DBO--Death benefit only
DBO--Disability Buy Out
DBT--Days beyond terms
DC--Defined contribution plan
DC--Deep discount issue
DCAP--Dependent care assistance plan
DCF--Discounted cash flow
DCP--Defined contribution plan
DCR--Debt coverage ratio
DDA--Direct deposit account
DDB--Double declining balance
DDB--Deemed death benefit
DDSN--Demand-driven supply networks
DDU--Destination Delivery Units
DEC--Deductible voluntary employee contributions
DEI--Diversity, equity, inclusion
DeFi--Decentralized finance
DFAS--Defense Financial Accounting Service
DFBM--Discounted future benefits method
DFI--Derivative financial instrument
DFL--Degree of financial leverage
DI--Disability insurance
DI--Debt instrument
DI--Derivative instrument
DIA--Deferred income annuity
DIC--Document identifier code
DIH--Days Inventory Held
DII--Days in Inventory
DIO--Days inventory outstanding
DIT--Deposit(s) in transit
D/L--Demand loan
DM--Direct mail
DMA--Designated Market Area
DMAIC--Define, measure, analyze, improve, control
DNAMTI--Distributable net alternative minimum taxable income
D/N--Demand note
D/O--Delivery order
DOC--Drive other car insurance
DOC--U.S. Department of Commerce
DOE--U.S. Department of Energy
DOH--Days inventory On Hand
DOJ--Department of Justice
DOL--Department of Labor
DOL--Degree of operating leverage
DOM--Distributed order management
DOT--Department of Transportation
DPGA--Deferred payment gift annuity
DPO--Days payables outstanding
DPP--Deferred payment plan; direct participation program
DPR--Daily periodic rate
DPSP--Deferred profit-sharing plan
Dr.--Debit, also debtor, drawer
DR--Direct response (advertising)
DRC--Deficit reduction contribution
DRC--Deferred retirement credits
DRIP--Dividend reinvestment plan
DRO--Domestic relations order
DRO--Deficit capital account restoration obligation
DRP--Distribution requirements planning
DRTV--Direct response television
DSA--Disaster Debt Set-Aside Program
DSO--Days sales outstanding
DST--Delaware stautory trust
DTA--Deferred tax assets
DTCC--Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.
DTL--Deferred tax liability
DUA--Disaster Unemployment Assistance
DUNS--Data Universal Numbering System
DUS--Dollar unit sampling
DVA--Debt value adjustment
DVP--Delivery versus payment
DWC--Days working capital

E&P--Earnings and profits
EA--Enrolled Agent
EAP--Employee assistance plan (program)
EAR--Export Administration Regulations
EAT--Exchange accommodation titleholder
EBITDA--Earnings before interest taxes depreciation amortization
EBITDDA--Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, depletion and amortization
EBO--Equity buy out
EBP--Employee benefits plan
EBRI--Employee Benefit Research Institute
EBSA--Employee Benefits Security Administration
ECAB--Employees' Compensation Appeals Board
ECB--European Central Bank
ECF--Extended care facility
ECM--Excess cash margin
ECM--Enterprise content management
ECN--Electronic communications network
ECOA--E-mail change of address
ECP--Emergency Conservation Program
EDA--Economic Development Administration
EDGAR--Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (system)
EDI--Electronic data interchange
EDWOSB--Economically disadvantaged woman-owned business
EECB--Executive e-mail carpet bomb
EEOC--Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EFAST--ERISA Filing Acceptance System (also EFAST2)
EFT--Electronic funds transfer
EFW--Electronic funds withdrawal
EGI--Effective gross income
EGM--Extraordinary general meeting
EHLP--Emergency Homeowners Loan Program
EIA--Equity indexed annuity
EIC--Earned income credit
EITC--Earned income tax credit (same as EIC, above)
EIN--Employer identification number
EIS--Environmental impact statement
ELI--Equity linked investments
ELP--Electing large partnership
EM--Emergency Loan Program
EMA--Expense management automation
EMA--Exponential moving average
EMIF--Emerging Issues Task Force
EMV--Europay, Master Card and Visa
EO--Executive Order
EOE--Equal opportunity employer
EOLI--Employer owned life insurance
EOM--End of month
EOQ--Economic order quantity
EOY--End of year
EP--Earned premium
EPF--Electronic payment facilitator
EPCM--Exempt-contract, percentage-of-completion method
EPLI--Employee practices liability insurance
EPS--Earnings per share
ERISA--Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
ERM--Enterprise resource management
ERM--Enterprise risk management
ERP--Enterprise resource planning
ERP--Estimated retail price
ERS--Economic Research Service
ERV--Estimated rental value
ESA--Coverdell education savings account
ESG--Environmental, social and corporate goverance
ESI--Electronically stored information
ESO--Employee stock option
ESOP--Employee stock ownership plan
ESOT--Employee stock ownership trust
ESRP--Employer shared responsibility payment
ETA--Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration
ETF--Exchange traded fund
ETN--Exchange traded notes
ETR--Effective tax rate
EURIBOR--Euro Interbank Offered Rates
EV--Enterprise value

FABS--Financial and business solutions
FACT--Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (Coalition
FAK--Freight all kinds
FAR--Floor area ratio
FAR--Federal Acquisition Regulation
FAS--Free alongside ship
FASAB--Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
FASAC--Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council
FASB--Financial Accounting Standards Board
FASIT--Financial asset securitization investment trusts
FATF--Financail Action Task Force
FBAR--Foreign Bank & Financial Account (report)
F/B/O--For benefit of
F&C--Free and clear
FCA--Farm Credit Administration
FCF--Free cash flow
FCFE--Free cash flow to equity
FCIC--Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
FDCPA--Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
FDIC--Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FEI--Financial Executives Institute
FEMA--Federal Emergency Management Agency
FERC--Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FERS--Federal Employees' Retirement System
F&FFurniture and fixtures
FF&E--Furniture, fixtures and equipment
FFEL--Federal Family Education Loan
FFIEC--Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
FFO-Funds from operations
FHA--Federal Housing Administration
FHLB--Federal Home Loan Bank
FHLMC--Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
FIA--Federal Insurance Administration
FIFO--First in, first out
FinCEN--Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
Finra--Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
FIRPTA--Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act
FISMA--Federal Information Security Management Act
FIT--Financial institutions tax
FITW--Federal income tax withholding (sometimes FIT)
f/k/a--Formally known as
FLP--Family Limited Partnership
FLRAFederal Labor Relations Authority
FLSA--Fair Labor Standards Act
FMC--Federal Maritime Commission
FMCS--Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
FMHA--Farmer's Home Administration
FMLA--Family and Medical Leave Act
FMOC--Federal Open Market Committee
FMR--Fair market rent
FMRR--Financial management rate of return
FMS--Financial Management Service
FMV--Fair market value
FNA--Financial needs analysis
FNMA--Federal National Mortgage Association
FO--Foreign to occupation
FOB--Free on board
FOF--Fund of fund
FOIA--Freedome of Information Act
FOK--Fill-or-kill order
FOMC--Federal Open Market Committee
FP&A--Financial planning and analysis
FPL--Federal Poverty Level (also Line)
FPM--Flexible payment mortgage
FR--Federal register
FRA--Full retirement age
FRB--Federal Reserve Board
FRF--Financial Reporting Framework
FRLO--Fixed Rate Loan Option
FRM--Fixed rate mortgage
FRN--Floating rate notes
FRS--Federal Reserve System
FRV--Fair rental value
FS--Financial statement; Forest Service
FSA--Flexible spending arrangement; Farm Service Agency; Office of Federal Student Aid
FSI--Free standing insert
FSLIC--Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
FSP--FASB Staff Position
FSR--Financial strength rating
FTC--Federal Trade Commission
FTE--Full time employee
FUTA--Federal Unemployment Tax Act
FVO--Fair value option
FWT--Federal withholding tax
FY--Fiscal year
FYE--Fiscal year ended

GA--General agent
GAAP--Generally accepted accounting principles
GAP--Gross amount paid
GAO--General Accountability Office
GATT--General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GAW--Guaranteed annual wage
GCT--General corporation tax
GEM--Growing equity mortgage
GFD--Good faith deposit
GFE--Good faith estimate
GIC--Guaranteed investment contract
GIM--Gross income multiplier
GLA--Gross leaseable area
GMIB--Guaranteed minimum income benefit
GMP--Guaranteed maximum price
GMWB--Guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit
GNMA--Government National Mortgage Association
GNP--Gross National Product
GOI--Gross operating income
GPI--Gross potential income
GPM--Graduated payment mortgage
GPO--Guaranteed purchase option; Government Printing Office
GPP--Gross profit percentage
GRAT--Grantor retained annuity trust
GRC--Goverance, risk and compliance
GRIT--Grantor retained income trust
GRUT--Grantor retained unitrust
GRM--Gross rent multiplier
GSA--General Services Administration
GSR--General securities representative
GST--Generation skipping transfer
GST--Goods and services tax
GTC--Good till canceled order
GTO--Geographic Targeting Orders
GUL--Group universal life insurance
GWAC--Government Wide Acquisition Contract

HAFA--Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative program
HARP--Home Affordable Refinance Program
HC--Human capital
HCE--Highly compensated employee
HCM--Human capital management
HDAPT--Hybrid domestic asset protection trust
HECM--Home Equity Conversion Mortgage
HELOC--Home equity line of credit
HFA--Housing Finance Agency
HFI--Held for investiment
HFS--Hold for sale
HHS--Health and Human Services Department
HIBOR--Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate
HMO--Health maintenance organization
HOW--Homeowner warranty plan
HQS--Housing Quality Standards
HR--Human resources
HRA--Health reimbursement arrangement
HRC--Historic rehabilitation credit
HUD--Department of Housing and Urban Development
HVAC--Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
HVCC--Home Valuation Code of Conduct
HVCRE--High-volatility commercial real estate

I&A--Interest and amortization
IaaS--Infrastructure as a Service
IAF--Inflation adjustment factor
IAM--Identity and access management
IAP--Initial advance payment
IASA--Internation Air Shipper's Association
IASB--International Accounting Standards Board
IATA--International Air Transport Association

IBAN--International Bank Account Number
IBDOEI--Income before discontinued operations and extraordinary items
IBNR--Incurred but not reported
IBR--Income-based repayment
IBR--Incremental borrowing rate
IC--Internal control
ICE--Internal control evaluation
ICFR--Internal control over financial reporting
ICQ--Internal control questionnaire
ICM--Incentive compensation management
ICO--Initial coin offering
ICR--Income contingent repayment
IDA--Industrial development authority (also agency)
IDB--Industrial development bond
IDF--Insurance dedicated fund(s)
IDI--Individual disability insurance
IDIQ--Indefinite delivery indefinite quantity
IDIT--Intentionally defective irrevocable trust
IDR--Issuer default rating
IDR--Income driven repayment (plan)
IDS--Income deposit securities
IFR--Interim final rules (applies to various federal agencies)
IFRIC--International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee
IFRS--International Financial Reporting Standard
IIA--Institute of Internal Auditors
ILC--Industrial loan company
ILIT--Irrevocable life insurance trust
IMA--Institute of Management Accountants
IMF--International Monetary Fund
IOLTA--Interest on lawyer's trust account
IP--Intellectual property
IPO--Initial public offering
IQPA--Independent qualified public accountant
IRA--Individual retirement arrangement
IRC--Internal Revenue Code
IRD--Income in respect of a decedent
IRMAA--Income Related Medicare Adjustment Amount
IRP--Industry risk premium
IRR--Internal rate of return
IS--Information systems
ISM--Institute for Supply Management
ISO--Incentive stock option
ISO--Independent sales organization
ISO/MSP--Independent sales organization/Member service provider
ITEP--Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
ITF--In trust for
ITS--Intermarket trading system
ITSM--Information technology service management
IUL--Indexed universal life insurnace
IVR--Interactive voice response

J/E--Journal entry (also JE)
JEC--Joint Economic Committee
JCT--Joint Committee on Taxation
JIB--Joint interest billing
JOLTS--Job Openings & Labor Turnover Survey (also JOLT)

k/a--Known as

L/C--Letter of credit
L/V--Loan-to-value ratio
LBO--Leveraged buyout
LCL--Less than carload
LCM--Lower of cost or market
LIBOR--London interbank offering rate
LIFO--Last in, first out
LLC--Limited liability company
LLDIE--Limited life debt investment entity
LLET--Limited liability entity tax
LLP--Limited liability partnership
LLLP--Limited liability limited partnership
LLIC--Limited liability investment company
LLTC--Limited liability trust company
LM--Last month (also L/M)
LMI--Lender's mortage insurance
LMRA--Labor Management Relations Act
LOB--Line of balance
LOC--Library of Congress
LOC--Line of credit
LOI--Letter of intent
LPA--Licensed Public Accountant
LSE--London Stock Exchange
LT--Long term
LT--Lead time
LTC--Long-term care
LTCG--Long-term capital gain
LTD--Long-term disability
LTI--Long-term incentive
LTI--Lead time interval
LTL--Less than truckload
LTV--Loan to value ratio
LY--Last year (also L/Y)
LYON--Liquid yield option notes

MA--Moving average
MACRS--Modified accelerated cost recovery system
MAD--Mean absolute deviation
MAGI--Modified adjusted gross income
MANOVA--Multivariate analysis of variance
MAS--Multiple award schedule
MBA--Mortgage Bankers Association
MBDA--Minority Business Development Agency
MBE--Minority Business Enterprise
MBE--Mortgage banking enterprise
MBS--Mortgage backed securities
MC--Market capitalization (cap)
MCC--Mortgage credit certificate
MCC--Merchant category codes
MDA--Multiple deliverable arrangement MDF--Market development funds
MDIB--Minimum distribution incidental benefit
MEC--Modified endowment contract
MEC--Minimum essential coverage
MEWA--Multiple employer welfare arrangements
MGIC--Mortgage Guarantee Insurance Company
MI--Mortgage insurance
MIS--Management information system
MLD--Market-linked deposit
MLM--Multi-level marketing
MLP--Master limited partnership
MLP--Minimum lease payments
MLR--Medical loss ratio
MLS--Multiple listing service
MMC--Money market certificate of deposit
MMDA--Money market deposit account
MNE--Multinational enterprise
MOD--Manufacturing on demand
M.O.M.--Middle of the month
M-O-M--Month over month
MOTO--Mail order-telephone order
MPC--Marginal propensity to consume
MPS--Marginal propensity to save
MPT--Modern portfolio theory
MQT--Medicaid qualifying trust
MRO--Maintenance, repair, and overhaul
MRPS--Mandatorily redeemable preferred stock
MRQ--Most recent quarter
MRRA--Maintenance, repair, replacement or alteration
MSA--Metropolitan statistical area
MSB--Money service business
MSER--Multi-state Employer Registration
MSLP--Main Street Lending Program
MSRB--Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
MSRP--Manufacturer's suggested retail price
MSP--Managed service provider
MTB--Motor transportation broker
MTBF--Mean time between failure
MTTR--Mean time to recovery (mean time to repair)
MTC--Multi-State Tax Commission
MUPLA--Model Uniform Products Liability Act
MVIC--Market value of invested capital
MW--Minimum weight
MWBE--Minority and/or women-owned business enterprise

NaaS--Network as a Service
NABA--National Association of Black Accountants
NABE--National Association for Business Economics
NACM--National Association of Credit Management
NAEA--National Association of Enrolled Agents
NAFEP--National Association of Financial and Estate Planning
NAHB--National Association of Homebuilders
NAIC--National Association of Insurance Commissioners
NAICS--North American Industry Classification System
NAM--National Association of Manufacturers
NAP--Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
NAPAT--National Association for Private Annuity Trusts
NAR--National Association of Realtors
NASBA--National Association of State Boards of Accountancy
NATP--National Association of Tax Professionals
NAV--Net asset value
NAVA--National Association for Variable Annuities
NAWBO--National Association of Women Business Owners
NBER--National Bureau of Economic Research
NBIA--National Business Incumbation Association
NCCUSL--National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
NCF--Net cash flow
NCO--Net chargeoffs
NCUA--National Credit Union Administration
NCUSIF--National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund
NDA--Nondisclosure agreement
NDNH--National Directory New Hires
NEET--Not in employment, education or training
NFFE--Nonfinancial foreign entity
NFIB--National Federation of Independent Businesses
NFIP--National Flood Insurance Program
NFTC--National Foreign Trade Council, Inc.
NIBCL--Non-interest bearing current liabilities
NI&L--Name, image & likeness
NIM--Net interest margin
NIPA--National income and product accounts
NLRB--National Labor Relations Board
NMFC--National Motor Freight Classification
NNN--Triple net lease or net, net, net
NOC--Net operating capital

NOI--Net operating income
NOL--Net operating loss
NOLD--Net operating loss deduction
NOPAT--Net operating profit after taxes
NOW--Negotiable order of withdrawal
N/P--Note payable (also NP)
NPA--Nonperforming assets
NPC--Notional principal contract
NPL--Nonperforming loan
NPS--Net Promoter Score
NPV--Net present value
NPW--Net present worth
NQDC--Nonqualified deferred compensation
NQPS--Nonqualified preferred stock
NR--Not rated
NRA--Net rentable area
NRA--Normal retirement age
NRD--Normal retirement date
NRE--Net realizable equity
NRF--National Retail Federation
NRI--Net revenue interest
NRI--Net Rising Index
NRMLA--National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association
NRV--Net recoverable value also net realizable value
NSA--National Society of Accountants
NSA--Not seasonally adjusted
NSBA--National Small Business Association
NSF--Not sufficient funds
NST--National sales tax
NSTP--National Society of Tax Professionals
NTFO--Nationwide Tax Forums Online
NTIS--National Technical Information Service
NTU--National Taxpayers Union
NUA--Net unrealized appreciation
NVCA--National Venture Captial Association
NYSE--New York Stock Exchange

OAR--Overall rate of return
OASDHI--Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance
OASDI--Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
OASI--Old Age Survivors Insurance
OCBOA--Other comprehensive basis of accounting
OCC--Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
OCF--Operating cash flow
OCP--Overland common point
OCR--Overall capitalization rate
ODCF--Owner's discretionary cash flow
ODF--Opendocument format
OS--Overhead expense
OECD--Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OEL--Offshore employee leasing
OER--Owner's equivalent rent
OIBITDA--Operating income before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization
OID--Original issue discount
OIS--Overnight Index Swaps
OJT--On-the-job training
OMB--Office of Management and Budget
OP--Order point
OR--Operations research
ORT--Oil royalty trust
O/S--Outstanding (e.g., checks, deposits)
OSBDU--Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
OSS--Open source software
OTB--Open to buy
OTR--Over the road
OTS--Office of Thrift Supervision
OWBC--Office of Women's Business Ownership

P&I--Principle and interest payment
P&L--Profit and loss statement
PAM--Pledged account mortgage
PaaS--Platform as a service
PAT--Profit after tax
PAYE--Pay as you earn
P/B--Price to book ratio
PBA--Pending bank approval
PBGC--Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation
PBM--Pharmacy benefits management
PCAOB--Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
PCC--Private Company Council
PCE--Personal consumption expenditure; personal consumption expenditure deflator
PCCM--Percentage-of-completion/capitalized cost method
P/CF--Price to cash flow ratio
PCDMF--Private Compnay Decision Making Framework
PCFRC--Private Company Financial Reporting Committee
PCM--Percentage-of-completion method
PCS--Post-contract customer support
PDM--Product data management
PE--Price-earnings ratio (also P/E)
PE--Private equity
PE--Pass-through entity (rare see PTE)
PEC--Potential earnings converted
PEG--Price/earnings to growth ratio
PEO--Professional employer organization
PEP--Personal exemption phaseout
PERAB--President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board
PERC--Premiums, earnings and reasonable charges
PERT--Program evaluation and review technique
PET--Privacy Enhancing Technology
PFS--Personal financial specialist
PFO--Principal financial officer
PGI--Potential gross income
PHC--Personal holding company
PHI--Protected health information
PI--Principal and interest (as in loan payment)
PIA--Primary insurance amount
PIK--Payment in kind
PILOT--Payment in lieu of taxes
PIM--Product information management
PIPE--Public investment in private equity
PIRG--Public interest research group
PITI--Principal, interest, taxes, and insurance
PJ--Purchases journal
PLM--Product life-cycle management
PL/PD--Personal liability/property damage
PLR--Private letter ruling
PMI--Private mortgage insurance
PMSA--Primary metropolitan statistical area
PO--Purchase order
POA--Power of attorney
p.o.c.--Paid outside of closing
POC--Proof of claim
POD--Payable on death
POD--Proof of delivery
POE--Point of entry
POP--Premium only plans
POQ--Periodic order quantity
POS--Point of service (related to health care plans)
PPA--Paperwork Reduction Act
PPE--Property, plant and equipment
PPI--Producer price index
PPIP--Public Private Investment Program
PPO--Preferred provider organization
PRA--Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980
PRP--Preferred risk policy
PRP--Potentially responsible party
PSC--Personal service corporation
PSR--Presentence report
PTAC--Procurement Technical Assistance Centers
PTE--Pass-through entity
PTO--Paid time off
PTP--Publicly traded partnership
PUD--Planned unit development
PV--Present value
PVFC--Prepaid variable forward contract
PVGO--Present value of growth opportunities
PWBA--Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration
PY--Prior year
P&Z--Planning and zoning

QA--Quality assurance
QBU--Qualified business unit
QC--Quality control
QDRO--Qualified domestic relations order
QE--Quarter end (or ended)
QIE--Domestically controlled qualified investment entity
QJSA--Qualified joint and survivor annuity
QMAC--Qualified matching contributions
QMCSO--Qualified medical child support order
QNEC--Qualified nonelective contributions
QoS--Quality of service
QPRT--Qualified personal residence trust
QSF--Qualified settlement fund
QSPE--Qualified special purpose entity
QTD--Qualified total distribution
QTIP--Qualified terminable interest property

RAM--Reverse annuity mortgage
RAN--Revenue anticipation note
RAROC--Risk adjusted return on capital
RCE--Residual cash earnings
RCN--Replacement cost new
RCNLD--Replacement cost new less depreciation
RDC--Remote deposit capture
R/E--Real estate (also RE)
R/E--Retained earnings
REA--Return on assets
REC--Renewable Energy Certificates
REHC--Real estate holding company
REIT--Real estate investment trust
RELP--Real estate limited partnership
REMIC--Real estate mortgage investment conduit
REO--Real estate owned
REPO--Repurchase agreement
RESPA--Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
RET--Retirement earnings test
Rev. Rul.--Revenue ruling
Rev. Proc.--Revenue procedure
RFA--Regulatory Flexibility Act
RFB--Request for bid
RFI--Request for information
RFP--Request for proposal
RFPA--Right to Financial Privacy Act
RFQ--Request for quotation
RFID--Radio frequency identification (tag)
RFM--Rcency, Frequency, Monetary Analysis
RFP--Request for proposal
RFQ--Request for quotation
RI--Royalty interest
RIA--Registered investment advisor
RIC--Regulated investment company
RIF--Reduction in force
RIM--Retail inventory method
RLT--Revocable living trust
RMA--Return merchandise authorization
RMA--Restricted management account
RMBS--Residential mortgage backed securities
RMIT--Reverse mortgage investment trust
ROA--Return on assets
ROACE--Return on average capital employed
ROAE--Return on assets employed
ROC--Rate of change
ROCE--Return on capital employed
ROE--Return on equity
ROFR--Right of first refusal
ROG--Receipt of goods
ROGFA--Return on gross fixed assets
ROI--Return on investment
ROIC--Return on invested capital
RONA--Return on net assets
RO/RL--Rool on/roll off
ROS--Return on sales
ROTE--Return on tangible equity
ROU--Right of use
ROW--Right of way
RP--Repurchase agreement
RP--Replacement protection (income insurance)
RPA--Robotic Process Automation
RPO--Recruitment process outsourcing
RR--Revenue ruling
RRF--Restaurant Revitalization Fund
RRM--Renegotiated-rate mortgage
RSF--Rentable square feet
RSI--Relative strength indicator
RTN--Routing transit number
RULPA--Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act

S&P--Standard & Poors
S&OP--Sales and Operations Planning
S&U--Sales and use (tax)
SA--Seasonally adjusted
SAAR--Seasonally adjusted annualized rate
SaaS--Software as a Service
SALY--Same as last year
SAM--Shared appreciation mortgage
SAMS--Systemic Advocacy Management System
SAR--Summary annual report
SAR--Stock appreciation right
SAR--Suspicious Activity Report
SARSEP--Salary reduction simplified employee pension plan
SAS--Statement on Auditing Standards
SBA--Small Business Administration
SBC--Summary of benefits and coverage
SBDC--Small Business Development Centers
SBIR--Small Business Innovation (and) Research (program)
SBLC--Small Business Legislative Council
SBLF--Small Business Lending Fund
SBLI--Savings bank life insurance
SBO--Small business owner
SBRB--Small Business Research Board
SBTR--Small Business Technology Transfer (program)
SCIN--Self-canceling installment note
SCM--Supply chain management
SCP--Self correction program
SCORE--Service Corps of Retired Executives
SD--Standard deviation
SDA--Self-directed brokerage account
SDB--Small disadvantaged business
SDCF--Seller's discretionary cash flow
SDR--Special drawing rights
SDVOB--Service-disabled veteran owned business
SEC--Securities and Exchange Commission
SECA--Self-Employment Contributions Act
SEM--Shared-equity mortgage
SEM--Search engine marketing
SEO--Search engine optimization
SEP--Simplified employee pension
SEPA--Single Euro Payments Area
SERP--Supplemental executive retirement plan
SERP--Supplement employee retirement plan
SERP--Systemwide Electronic Research Program
SESA--State Employment Security Agency
SFC--Senate Finance Committee
SFH--Single family home
SFO--Solicitatio for offers
SG&A--Selling, general, and administrative expenses
SGA--Substantial gainful activity
SGLI--Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance
SHOP--Small Business Health Options Program
SIC--Standard industrial clssification
SIFMA--Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
SIR--Short interest ratio
SITW--State income tax withholding (sometimes SIT)
SIV--Structured Investment Vehicle
SIU--Stock incentive unit
SJ--Sales journal
SKU--Stock keeping unit
SLA--Share lending agreement
SLA--Supplemental lease agreement
SLA--Service level agreement
SLE--Single lease expense
SLFRF--State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Program
SLOB--Separate line of business
SMA--Separately managed account
SMA--Simple moving average
SMB--Small- to medium-sized business(es)
SME--Small- to medium-sized enterprises (entities)
SMI--Supplemental medical insurance
SMLLC--Single member limited liability company
SMSA--Standard metropolitan statistical area
SMP--Special multiperil policy
SMSA--Standard metropolitan statistical area
SNF--Skilled nursing facility
SNT--Supplemental needs trust
SOA--Service-oriented architecture
SOD--Service on demand
SOFR--Secured overnight financing rate
SOHO--Small office/home office
SOIR--Schaeffer Open Interest Ratio
SOL--Statute of limitations
SOX--Sarbanes-Oxley (Act)
SPAC--Special-purpose acquisition company
SFCM--Single period capitalization model
SPD--Summary plan description
SPE--Special purpose entity
SPIA--Single premium immediate annuity
SPV--Special purpose vehicle
SRC--Small reporting company
SRPM--Stated redemption price at maturity
SRM--Supplier relationship management
SRO--Self-regulatory organization
SS--Safety stock
SSA--Social Security Administration
SSARS--Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services
SSBCI--State Small Business Credit Initiative
SSBIC--Specialized small business investment company
SSD--Social Security disability
SSD--Solid-state drive
SSDI--Social Security disability insurance
SSI--Supplemental security income
SSNVS--Social Security Number Verification System
SSOP--Second surgical opinion program
SST--Streamline Sales and Use Tax Agreement
SSTP--Streamlined Sales Tax Project
SSUTA--Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement
SSVS--Standards for Valuation Services
ST--Short term
STCG--Short-term capital gain
STD--Short-term disability
STOLI--Stranger-originated or stranger-owner life insurance
SUB--Supplemental unemployment benefit
SUTA--State unemployment tax act
SV--Salvage value
SWA--State Workforce Agencies
SWOT--Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
SWT--State witholding tax

T&E--Travel and entertainment
TAA--Trade Adjustment Act
TAA--Trade adjustment assistance
TAB--Tax anticipation bill
TALF--Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility
TAM--Technical advice memorandum
TAN--Tax anticipation note
TARP--Troubled Assets Relief Program
TAT--Total asset turnover
T/B--Trial balance (also TB)
TBC--To be contested
TBD--To be determined
TCE--Tangible common equity
TCO--Total cost of ownership
TCOR--Total cost of risk management
TCOE--Total cost of equity
TDA--Tax deferred annuity
TDB--Temporary disability benefits
TDC--Total direct compensation
TDI--Temporary disability insurance
TDR--Troubled debt restructurings
TEA--Technology-enabled auditing
TIC--Tenant in common
TIF--Tax increment financing
TILA--Truth in Lending Act
TIN--Taxpayer identification number
TIPS--Treasury Inflation-Indexed Securities (often called Treasury Inflation Protected Securities)
TOD--Transfer on death
TOE--Time is of the essence
TOFC--Trailer on flat car (piggyback)
TP--Target price
TPA--Third-party administrator
TPA--Technical Practice Aide (AICPA pronouncement)
TPD--Third-party designee
TPS--Transaction processing services
TPSO--Third party settlement organization
TRO--Temporary restraining order
TRUPS--Trust preferred securities
TSA--Tax-sheltered annuity
TSP--Thrift Savings Plan
TSR--Total shareholder return
TTM--Trailing twelve months
TVM--Time value of money

U/A/D--Under Agreement Dated
UA--Under agreement
UB--Unsafe building
UBTI--Unrelated business taxable income
UC--Unemployment compensation
UCC--Uniform commercial code
UCR--Usual, customary, and reasonable
UDITPA--Uniform Division of Income for Tax Purposes Act
UDR--Unused development rights
UGMA--Uniform Gifts to Minors Act
UFTA--Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act
UI--Unemployment insurance
UIM--Underinsured motorist
UL--Universal life
ULC--Uniform Law Commission
ULPA--Uniform Limited Partnership Act
UM--Uninsured motorist
UPE--Unreimbursed partnership expenses
URLA--Uniform residential loan application
USCIS--U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
USD--U.S. dollars
USF--Usable square feet
USOA--Uniform system of accounts
USPAP--Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice
USPTO--U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
USRPHC--U.S. real property hodling corporation
USRPI--U.S. real property interest
UTC--Uniform Trust Code
UTD--Under trust dated (also U/T/D)
UTMA--Uniform Transfer to Minors Act
Under will of (also U/W/O)

VA--Variable annuity
VAT--Value-added tax
VBOP--Veterans Business Outreach Program
VC--Venture capital
VCL--Vacancy and collection losses
VEBA--Voluntary employee's beneficiary association
VIE--Variable interest entity
VLI--Variable life insurance
VOB--Veteran-owned business
VOCC--Vessel operating common carrier
VPFC--Variable prepaid forward contract
VRM--Variable rate mortgage
VRP--Variable rate premium
VSOE--Vendor-specific objective evidence
VUL--Variable universal life
VWAP--Volume-weighted average price
WBC--Women's Business Centers (SBA)
W-A--Weighted average
WARM--weighted-average remaining maturity
WARN--Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
W&M--House Ways and Means Committee
WACC--Weighted average cost of capital
WC--Workers' compensation
WCC--Working capital cycle
W/C--Working capital (also workers' compensation)
WDA--Wholesale deposit account
WFH--Work from home
WI--Working interest
WIP--Work in process
WMS--Warehouse management systems
WOSB--Woman-owned small business
WPI--Wholesale price index

XBRL--eXtensible Business Reporting Language

YOY--Year-over-year (also Y-O-Y)
YRT--Yearly renewable term
YSP--Yield-spread premium
YTM--Yield to maturity

ZBB--Zero-based budgeting
ZEBRA--Zero-balance reimbursement account

Special IRS and Tax Abbreviations


AAA--Accumulated adjustments account
AAGR--Average annual gross receipts
AAR--Administrative adjustment request
AAR--Appeals account resolution (specialist)
ACE--Adjusted current earnings
ACP--Actual contribution percentage
ACS--Automated collection sites
ACT--Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities
ACTC--Additional child tax credit
ADADP--Aggregate deemed asset disposition price
ADIT--Accumulated deferred income tax
ADP--Actual deferral percentage
ADR--Average deferral ratio
ADS--Alternative depreciation system
AEI--Assistance-eligible individual
AET--Asset/Equity table
AEIC--Advanced earned income credit
AFR--Applicable Federal Rate
AFIR--Applicable Federal Interest Rate
AFS--Applicable financial statement(s)
AFSP--Annual Filing Season Program (also Participant)
AFTAP--Adjusted funding target attainment percentage
AGEE--Adjusted qualified educational expenses
AGI--Adjusted gross income
AGUB--Adjusted grossed-up basis
AHYDO--Applicable high-yield debt obligation
AIMS--Audit Information Management System
AIRC--Alternative incremental research credit
AIS--Automated Insolvency System
AJAC--Appeals Judicial Approach Culture
ALE--Applicable large employer
ALE--Allowable living expenses
ALJ--Administrative law judge
AMID--Allowable miscellaneous itemized deductions
AMP--Accounts Management Program
AMS--Account Management Services
AMT--Alternative minimum tax
AMTAP--Accounts Management Taxpayer Assurance Program
AMTFTC--Alternative minimum tax foreign tax credit
AMTI--Alternative minimum taxable income
ANMF--Automated Non-Master File
ANPRM--Advance notice of proposed rule making
AO--Appeals Officer
AO--Account owner
AOD--Action on decision
AOIC--Automated Offer in Compromise
AOTC--American Opportunity Tax Credit
APA--Advanced Pricing Agreement
APA--Administrative Procedure Act
API--Applicable partnership interest
APMA--Advance Pricing and Mutual Agreement Program
APP--Actual preproductive period
APT--Advance payment transactions
APTC--Advance premium tax credit
AQEE--Adjusted qualified education expenses
ARI--Appeals referral investigator
ASC--Alternative simplified credit (research and experimental)
ASG--Affiliated service group
ASED--Assessment stuatutory expiration date
ASFR--Automated Substitute for Return
ASG--Appeals settlement guidelines
ATA--Abusive tax avoidance
ATAA--Alternative trade adjustment assistance
ATAT--Abusive tax avoidance transaction
ATB--Active trade or business
ATB--Applicable trade or business
ATCL--Appeals Team Case Leader
ATI--Adjusted taxable income
ATIN--Adoption taxpayer identification number
ATIP--Attributed Tip Income Program
ATS--Assurance Testing System
AUR--Automated Underreporter (Program)
AUSA--Assistant U.S. Attorney

BAH--Basic allowance for housing
BAP--Business allocation percentage
BDA--Bank deposits analysis
BDT--Beneficiary defective trust
BDiT--Beneficiary defective irrevocable trust
BEA--Basic exclusion amount
BEAT--Base-erosion and anti-abuse tax
BEC--Business email compromise
BEPS--Base erosion and profit shifting
BES--Business email spoofing
BLIPS--Bond linked issue premium structure
BICG--Built-in capital gain
BMF--Business master file
BPR--Business Performance Review
B.T.A.--Board of Tax Appeals
BSM--Business Systems Modernization
BSO--Business services online
BUW--Backup withholding
BWH--Backup withholding

CA&IC--Competent Authority and International Coordination
CAA--Certified Acceptance Agent
CAA--Covered asset acquisition
CADE--Customer Account Data Engine
CAF--Centralized Authorization File
CAM--Change in accounting method
CAMT--Corporate alternative minimum tax
CAP--Closing agreement program
CAP--Compliance Assurance Process
CAP--Compliance Assurance Program
CAP--Collection Appeals Program
CAWR--Combined Annual Wage Reporting
C.B.--Cumulative Bulletin
CB--Carryback (also C/B)
CBAF--Commercial bank address file
CBRS--Currency and Banking Retrieval System
CC--Chief Counsel
CCA--Chief Counsel's Advice
CCC--Customer contact center
CDE--Community development equity
CCDM--Chief Counsel Directive Manual
CCISO--Cincinnati Centralized Innocent Spouse Operation
CCM--Completed contract method
CCNIP--Case Creation Nonfiler Identification Process
CCR--Comprehensive case resolution
CD--Court Decision
CDCTC--Child and dependent care tax credit
CDE--Community Development Entities
CDFI--Community Development Financial Institution
CDO--Commissioner's Delegation Order
CDP--Collection Due Process
CDPH--Collection Due Process Hearing
CDW--Compliance data warehouse
CEAP--Correspondence Examination Assessment Project
CEP--Coordinated Examination Program
CERIL--Corporate equity reduction interest loss
CERT--Corporate equity reduction transaction
CESA--Coverdell education savings account
CF--Carryforward (also C/F)
CFC--Controlled foreign corporation
CFC--Court of Federal Claims
CFf--Collection Field function
CFR--Code of Federal Regulations
CFTE--Creditable foreign tax expenditure
CGA--Charitable gift annuity
CHC--Closely held corporation
CHIP--Children's Health Insurance Program
CI--Criminal investigation
CIB--Cash intensive business
CIC--Coordinated industry case (program)
CID--Criminal Investigation Division
CIECos--Clean energy coal bonds
CIMIS--Criminal Investigation Management Information System
CIP--Coordinated issue paper
CIP--Compliance initiative project
C.I.R.--Commissioner Internal Revenue
CIS--Collection information statement (Form 433-A)
CIS--Computer Investigative Specialist
CIT--Corporate income tax
CIU--Criminal Investigation Unit
CLADR--Class life asset depreciation range
CLT--Charitable lead trust
CLAT--Charitable lead annuity trust
CLUT--Charitable lead unitrust
CNC--Currently not collectible
CNOL--Consolidated net operating loss
COBE--Continuity of business enterprise
COD--Cancellation of debt income
COFL--Consolidated overall foreign loss
COI--Continuity of (proprietary) interest
COI--Cancellation of indebtedness income
COINS--Currency Option Investment Strategy
COICU--Centralized Offer-in-Compromise Unit (also COIC)
COLI--Company owned life insurance
CONOPS--New concept of operations
CONUS--Continental United States
CP--Common parent
CPEO--Certified professional employer organization
CPM--Compliance and Program Management
CPM--Comparable profits method
CRD--Correspondence received date
CRD--Commercial revitalization deduction
CREB--Clean renewable energy bonds
CRP--Conservation reserve program
CRS--Congressional Research Service
CRSR--Congressional Research Service Report
CRT--Charitable remainder trust
CSA--Cost sharing arrangement
CSCO--Compliance Services Collection Operations
CSED--Collection statute expiration date
CSLL--Consolidated separate loss limitation
CSM--Counsel Settlement Memorandum
CSO--Customer Service Operations
CSP--Classification Settlement Program
CST--Cost sharing transaction
CTC--Child tax credit
CTI--Combined taxable income (also consolidated taxable income)
CTL--Consolidated tax liability
CTR--Currency transaction report
Ct.D.--Court Decision
CUSP--Comparable uncontrolled services price
CUT--Comparable uncontrolled transaction
CVAT--Cash value accumulation test
CVC--Clean vehicle credit
CWA--Central Withholding Agreement
CWA--Contemporaneous written acknowledgment
CWI--Commensurate with income
CY--Calendar year
CYBA--Calendar years beginning after

DA--Disclosure authorization
DAD--Distressed asset/debt
DAF--Donor advised fund
DAPT--Domestic asset protection trust
DAT--Distressed Asset Trust
DATC--Doubt as to collectibility
DATL--Doubt as to liability
DASTM--Dollar approximate separate transactions method
DB--Designated beneficiary
DC--Dummy corporation
DC--District Counsel of IRS
DCAP--Dependent care assistance program
DCE--Detection controlled estimation
DCE--Deferred compensation expense
DCL--Dual consolidated losses
DCN--Document confirmation number
DDA--Decedents dying after
DDI--Disqualified debt instrument
DDIA--Direct Debit Installment Agreement
DDLT--Demand during lead time
DDLT--Due date lead time
DDV--Due diligence visit
DE--Domestic entity
DE--Disregarded entity
DEOE--Director of Exempt Organizations, Examinations
Del. Order--Delegation order
DFC--Deferred compensation plan
DFE--Direct filing entities
DFIC--Deferred foreign income corporation
DFO--Director of Field Operations
DIF--Discriminant function
DING--Delaware incomplete nongrantor trust
DISC--Domestic International Sales Corporation
DLN--Document locator number
DM--Debit memo
DMF--Debtor master file
DMF--Death master file
DNI--Distributable net income
DO--Delegation Order
DOD--Date of death
DOE--Date of enactment
DOI--Discharge of indebtedness income
DPAD--Domestic production activities deduction
DPC--Direct payment code
DPGR--Domestic production gross receipts
DRD--Dividends received deduction
DRD--Deduction in respect of decedent
DRE--Disregarded entity
DRO--Deficit restoration obligation
DRO--Domestic relations order
DRRH--Delinquent return refund hold
DRT--Data retrieval tool
DSL--Dynamic Selection List
DSUE--Deceased spouse unused exclusion
DVEC--Deductible voluntary employee contributions

EACA--eligible automatic contribution arrangement
EADIT--Excess accumulated deferred income taxes
EAG--Expanded affiliated group
EAP--Employee-assistance program
EAR--Electronic account resolution
EAT--Exchange accommodation title holder
EBE--Employee business expenses
EBHRA--Excepted Benefit Health Reimbursement Arrangement
EBL--Excess business loss
ECCFR--Employer-provided child care facility credit
ECEP--Effectively connected earnings and profits
ECI--Effectively connected income
ECN--Exemption certificate number
ECTI--Effectively connected taxable income
ED--Excess distribution
EDPA--Entire disposition of passive activity
EECB--Energy efficient commercial building
EFDS--Electronic Fraud Detection System
EFIN--Electronic Filer (Filing) Identification Number
EFTPS--Electronic Federal Tax Payment System
EFW--Electronic funds withdrawal
EH--Equivalent hearing
EHB--Essential health benefit
EHP--Expatriate health plan
EIA--Expenses incurred after
EIP--Electing investment partnership
EIP--Economic Impact Payment
ELI--Equity linked investment
EMA--Equipment maintenance allowance
EmTRAC--Employer-designed tip reporting alterative commitment
EMTR--Effective marginal tax rate
EMS--Electronic Management System
ENI--Entire net income
EO--Exempt organization
E.O.--Executive Order
EOAD--Examination Operational Automation Database
EOCA--Exempt Organizations Compliance Area
EOR--Enhanced oil recovery
EOVCP--Exempt Organizations Voluntary Compliance Program
EP--Employee plans
EPF--Electronic Payment Facilitator
EPP--Excess parachute payments
EPTA--Employee plans team audit
EPCM--Exempt contract percentage of completion method
EPCRS--Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System
EPD--Exchange Periodic Data
EQRS--Embedded Quality Review System
ERC--Employee retention credit
ERD--Eligible rollover distribution
ERISA--Employee Retirement Income Security Act
ERIS--Enforcement Revenue Information System
ERO--Electronic return originator
EROL--Economic risk of loss
ERPA--Enrolled Retirement Plan Agent
ERS--Error resolution system
ERTC--Employee retention tax credit (see also ERC)
ES&TG--Examination Specialization & Technical Guidance
ESA--Education savings account (Coverdell)
ESB--Education savings bond
ESBT--Electing small business trust
ESE--Eligible small employer
ESD--Economic substance doctrine
ESI--Electronically stored information
ESOP--Employee stock ownership plan
ESOT--Employee stock ownership trust
ESPP--Employee stock purchase plan
ESR--Employer shared responsibility (payment)
ESRP--Employer shared responsibility provision
ETA--Effective tax administration
ETAAC--Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee
ETI--Extraterritorial income
ETIP--Estate tax inclusion period
ETSC--Eligible terminated S corporation
EUSS--IRS End User Systems and Services
EWA--Extended warranty agreements

FAA--Field attorney advice
FATP--Federally authorized tax practitioner
FAVR--Fixed and variable rate
FBAR--Foreign bank and financial accounts
FBCSI--Foreign base company sales income
FC--Foreign corporation
FCD--Functional Cost Diagnostic
FCDC--Foreign controlled domestic corporation
FDAP--Fixed or determinable annual or periodic (income, gains)
FDE--Foreign disregarded entity
FDII--Foreign derived intangible income
FDL--Favorable determination letter
FDR--Formal document request
FEIE--Foreign earned income exclusion
FFI--Free File, Inc.
FFI--Foreign financial institution
FFA--Foreign financial account
FICA--Federal Insurance Contributions Act
FIRE--Filing information returns electronically
FIS--Foreign information system
FISC--Foreign International Sales Company
FITPP--Fractional interest tangible personal property
FIV--Future income value
FLC--Farm labor contractor
FLEP--Forest Land Enhancement Program
FNI--Future net income
FNIL--Final Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing
FO--Field operations
FOGEI--Foreign oil and gas extraction income
FOIA--Freedom of Information Act
FORI--Foreign oil related income
FPA--Former passive activity
FPAA--Final partnership administrative adjustment
FPH--Foreign personal holding company (also FPHC)
FPHCI--Foreign personal holding company income
FPL--Federal poverty level
FPLP--Federal Payment Levy Program
F.R.--Federal Register (also FR)
FRP--Frivolous return program
FRCP--Federal Rules of Civil Practice
FS--Fact sheet
FSA--Field service advice memoranda
FSAT--Financial status audit techniques
FSC--Foreign Sales Corporation
FSLG--Federal, state and local government
FSO--First service organization
FTA--Federal Tax Application
FTA--First-time penalty abatement
FTAs--Fraud technical advisers
FTAP--Funding target attainment percentage
FTCP--Fair Tax Collection Practices
FTD--Federal tax deposit
FTD--Failure to deposit (penalty)
FTF--Failure to file
FTHBC--First time homebuyer credit
FTI--Federal taxable income
FTM--Fast track mediation
FTMC--Fast Track Mediation Collection
FTP--Federal tax payment
FTP--Failure to pay
FTS--Fast Track Settlement
FUTA--Federal Unemployment Tax Act
FV--Field visit
FX--Foreign Corporation
FYE--Fiscal year end

GAA--General asset accounts
GAR--Group annuity reserve table
G.C.M.--Chief Counsel's Memorandum
GDS--General depreciation system
G&G--Geological and geophysical expenditures
GHW--Global high wealth
GHWI--Global High Wealth Industry (Group)
GILTI--Global intangible low-taxed income
GITCA--Gaming Industry Tip Compliance Agreement Program
GLA--Generic legal advice memoranda
GMA--Gifts made after
GOZ--Gulf Opportunity Zone (also GO zone)
GP--General Partner
GPOA--General power of attorney
GRA--Gain recognition agreement
GRT--Gross receipts test
GSTT--Generation skipping transfer tax

HAR--Historic absorption ratio
HAMP--Home Affordable Modification Program
HCE--Highly compensated employee
HCTC--Health coverage tax credit
HDD--Horizontal double dummy
HDHP--High-deductible health plan
HEET--Health and Education Exclusion Trust
HiDeF--High income delinquent filer
HIHW--High-income high-wealthHINF--High-income nonfiler
HINT--High-income, nontaxable (return)
HIRIF--Health Insurance Reform Implementation Fund
HITCA--Health insurance tax credit administration
HOH--Head of household (also HH)
HRA--Health reimbursement arrangement
HSA--Health Savings Account
HTF--Highway Trust Fund
HY--Half year

IA--Intercompany account
IA--Installment agreement
IAC--Ineffective assistance of counsel
iBOB--Installment sale bogus optional basis transaction
IBS--Individual benefit statement
IBTF--In-Business Trust Fund (Express Agreement)
IBOR--Interbank offered rate
IC--Insurance Company
IC--Industry case
ICCE--Integrated customer communication environment
ICD--Interface Control Document
ICD--Intercompany dividends
ICHRA--Individual Health Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement
ICR--Investment credit
IDC--Intangbile drilling costs
IDC--Intangible development costs
IDD--Industry director directive
IDES--International Data Exchange Service
IDGT--Intentionally defective grantor trust
IDIT--Intentionally defective irrevocable trust
IDR--Information Document Request
IDRS--Integrated data retrieval system
IDTVA--Identity theft victim's assistance
IECR--Indian employment credit
IET--Income/Expense table
IGM--Interim guidance memo
IIF--Industry issue focus
IIR--Industry Issue Resolution program
ILIT--Irrevocable life insurance trust
ILM--Internal Legal Memoranda
IMF--Individual master file
IMF MCC--Individual Master File-Martinsburg Computing Center
IMRS--Issue Management Resolution System
IMT--Issue management team
IPA--Interest paid after
IPCLAT--Increasing payment charitable lead annuity trust
IPIC--Inventory price index computation
IPM--Integrated production model
IPSU--Identity Protection Specialized Unit
IPU--International practice unit
I.R.B.--Internal Revenue Bulletin (also IRB)
IRC--Internal Revenue Code
IRD--Income in respect of a decedent
IRDM--Information reporting and document matching
IRIS--Information Returns Intake System
IRMF--Individual return master file
IRPAC--Information Reporting Program Advisory Committee
IRSAC--Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council
IRSCI--Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation division
IRSN--Internal Revenue Service number
IRM--Internal Revenue Manual
IRP--Information Reporter Program
IST--Issue specialization team
ISO--Incentive stock option
ISRP--Individual shared responsibility payment
ISRP--Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing System
ITA--Interactive tax assistant
ITG--Indian Tribal Governments ITIN--Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
ITW--Income tax withholding
IVES--Income Verification Express Service
IVO--IRS Integrity & Verification Operation

JAPP--Joint Audit Planning Process
JCT--Joint Committe on Taxation
JDA--Joint development agreement
JITSIC--Joint International Tax Shelter Information Centre

LAFA--Legal Advice issued by Field Attorneys
LAFCP--Living abroad foreign care provider
LB&I--Large Business and International Division
LCC--Large Corporate Compliance Program
LCU--Large corporate underpayment
LDC--Lead Development Center
LDR--Loss disallowance rule
LIFE--Limited Issue Focused Examination
LIH--Low income housing
LIHCR--Low income housing credit
LIHTC--Low income housing tax credit
LITC--Low Income Taxpayer Clinic
LKE--Like-kind exchange
LMSB--Large and mid-size business
LOB--Limitation on benefits
LOSAP--Length of service award plan
LP--Limited Partner
LPC--Large Partnership Compliance Program
LPP--Long production period
LPOA--Limited power of attorney
LPR--Lawful permanent resident
LRM--Listing of required modifications
LRMS--Lease residual management strategy
LRT--Lease restructuring transaction
LSD--Lump sum distribution
LTP--Lower-tier partnership
LTR--Letter ruling (also LR)
LUQ--Large, unusual or questionable items
LUST--Leaking underground storage tank

MAC--Maximum amount contributable
MAGI--Modified adjusted gross income
MAP--Mutual Agreement Procedure
M&E--Meal and entertainment
M&IE--Meals and incidental expenses
M&P--Master and prototype
MDA--Marital dissolution agreement
MDIB--Minimum distribution incidental benefit
MCC--Merchant category code
MCC--Mortgage credit certificate
MEC--Minimum employer contribution
MEC--Minimum essential coverage
MeF--Modernized e-file
MEF--Modified energy factor
MEP--Multiemployer plan (pension)
MFJ--Married, filing joint
MFS--Married, filing separate
MLI--Multilingual Initiative
MLTN--More likely than not
MLR--Medical loss ratio
MM--Mid month
MMLLC--Multi-member LLC
MMREF--Magnetic Media Reporting and Electronic Filing
MNE--Multinational enterprise
MNC--Multinational corporation
MOIC--Monitoring Offer In Compromise
MOL--Memorandum of law
MOU--Memorandum of understanding
MPGE--Manufactured, produced, grown, or extracted
MRD--Minimum required distribution
MSA--Medical Savings Account
MSA--Major stock acquisition
MSA--Marital separation agreement (or marital settlement agreement)
MSC--Mixed service costs
MSB--Money service business
MSSP--Market Segment Specialization Program
MSSS--IRS main frames and servers services support
MSU--Market Segment Understandings
MTA--Maximum tax adjustment
MTA--Marriage termination agreement
MTC--Minimum tax credit
MTCNOL--Minimum tax credit net operating loss
MTCNOLD--Minimum tax credit net operating loss deduction
MTFTCE--Minimum tax foreign tax credit on exclusion items
MTR--Marginal tax rate
MTRL--Multiple tax return listing
MWC--Marginal well production credit
MWPC--Making Work Pay Credit
MUS--Market Segment Understandings
MV--Minimum value (refering to health insurance plans)

NABP--National average bronze-level qualified health plan
NAE--Nonaccrual experience (method of accounting)
NBAP--Notice of beginning of administrative proceeding
NCP--Nontaxable combat pay
NDWC--Notice of Determination of Worker Classification
NEC--Nonemployee compensation
NEH-ETA--Non-Economic Hardship-Effective Tax Administration
NESE--Net earnings from self employment
NFFE--Non-financial foreign entity
NFTL--Notice of federal tax lien
NHCE--Non-highly compensated employee
NICRUT--Net income charitable remainder unitrust
NII--Net investment income
NIIT--Net investment income tax
NIL--Notice of intent to levy
NIMCRUT--Net income makeup charitable remainder unitrust
NING--Nevada Incomplete-gift Non Grantor trust
NMC--New Markets credit (also see below)
NMCR--New Markets credit
NMP--Net misreporting percentage
NMTC--New Markets Tax Credit
NMWHFIT--Non-mortgage widely held fixed investment trusts
NNFTL--Nominee notice of federal tax lien
NOD--Notice of deficiency
NOIL--Notice of intent to levy
NOPA--Notice of Proposed Assessment (or Adjustment)
NOT--Nondebt open transaction
NPC--Notional principal contract
NPL--National Public Liaison
NPRM--Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
NQDC--Nonqualified deferred compensation
NQDCP--Nonqualified deferred compensation plan
NQPS--Nonqualified preferred stock
NQRS--National Quality Review System
NQSO--Nonqualified stock option
NRA--Nonresident alien
NRE--Net realizable equity
NRP--National Research Project
NRS--Nonrequesting spouse
NRV--Net realizable value
NTA--National Taxpayer Advocate
NTF--National Tax Forums
NUA--Net unrealized appreciation
NUBIG--Net unrealized built-in gain
NUBIL--Net unrealized built-in loss
NYLZ--New York Liberty Zone

OAA--Other adjustments account
OAR--Operations assistance request
OBR--Other business receipts
OCCP--Offshore Credit Card Program
OCONUS--Outside the continental United States
ODAE--Other directly allocable expenses
ODC--Oral disclosure consent
ODC--Other dependent credit
OE--Offer examiner
OEL--Offshore employee leasing
OS--Offer specialist
OFL--Overall foreign loss
OI--Operating income
OI--Other investigation
OIAE--Other indirectly allocable expenses
OIC-DATL--Offer-in-compromise-doubt as to liability
OPA--Online payment agreement
OPM--Options pricing method
OPR--Office of Professional Responsibility
OTA--Office of Tax Analysis
OTIA--Oral tax information authorization
OTRP--Other tax return preparers
OTSA--Office of Tax Shelter Analysis
OVCI--Offshore Voluntary Compliance Initiative
OVDI--Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative
OVDP--Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program

P--Parent Corporation
PA--Periods after
PAB--Private activity bond
PAL--Passive activity loss
PALS--Property Appraisal and Liquidation Specialist
PATS--Participants Acceptance Testing System
PBC--Prepared by client
PCA--Private collection agency
PCB--Potential current beneficiaries
PCCM--Percentage of completion capitalized cost method
PCM--Percentage of completion method
PCORTF--Patient Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund
PCT--Preliminary or contemporaneous transactions
PCT--Platform contribution transaction
PDC--Private debt collector
PDS--Private delivery service
PDT--Potentially dangerous taxpayer
PE--Process examiner
PE--Permanent establishment
PEP--Personal exemption phaseout
PFA--Pre-filing agreement
PFIC--Passive foreign investment company
PGP--Priority guidance plan
PHC--Personal Holding Company
PICO--Personal Investment Corp.
PIF--Pooled income fund
PIG--Passive income generator
PII--Personally identifiable information
PILT--Payment in lieu of taxes
PIT--Personal income tax
P.L.--Public Law (also PL)
PLE--Personal living expenses
PLET--Personal liability for excise tax
PLI--Profit level indicators
PLR--Private letter ruling
PMTA--Program Manager Technical Advice
PO--Posession of the U.S.
POC--Person of contact
POD--Predecessor of distributor
POPS--Partnership Option Portfolio Securities
PPA--Price Protection Agreement
PPIA--Partial payment installment agreement
PPISA--Property placed in service after
PPM--Payment mix methodology
PPP--Payroll Protection Program
PPS--Practitioner Priority Service
PRI--Program related investments
PRO--Problem solving officer
PRP--Problem resolution program
PSE--Payment Settlement Entity
PSP--Payroll service provider
PSP--Planning and Special Programs
PTC--(wind) Production tax credit
PTE--Prohibited Transaction Exemption
PTE--Pass-through entity
PTEP--Previously taxed earnings and profits
PTET--Pass-through entity tax
PTI--Previously taxed income
PTIN--Preparer tax identification number
PTT--Prohibited transaction tax
PTTP--Post-termination transition period
Pub. L.--Public Law
PWERM--Probability-weighted expected return method
PY--Processing year
PYA--Prior year amount

QAB--Qualified additional benefits
QACA--Qualified automatic contribution arrangement
QAE--Qualified adoption expenses
QAFMV--Qualified alternative fuel motor vehicle
QALICB--Qualified active low-income community business
QAP--Qualified allocation plan
QAR--Qualified amended return
QBAI--Qualified business asset investment
QBI--Qualified business income
QBU--Qualified business unit
QCC--Qualified conservation contribution
QCD--Qualified chartiable distribution
QCSA--Qualified cost-sharing arrangement
QDD--Qualified derivatives dealer
QDI--Qualified dividend income
QDT--Qualified domestic trust
QDT--Qualified disability trust
QDTP--Qualifying Discovery Therapeutic Project
QEAA-Qualified exchange accomodation arrangement
QECB--Qualified energy conservation bond
QEE--Qualified education expenses
QEF--Qualified electing fund
QEI--Qualified equity investment
QEP--Quality Examination Process
QETP--Questionable employment tax practices
QEV--Qualifed electric vehicle
QFCB--Qualified forestry conservation bond
QFOBI--Qualified family-owned business interests
QHEE--Qualified higher education expenses
QHIL--Qualified home improvement loan
QHP--Qualifying (also qualified) health plan
QI--Qualified intermediary
QIE--Qualified investment entity
QIO--Qualified income offset
QIO--Qualified indicia of ownership
QIP--Qualified improvement property
QJSA--Qualified joint and survivor annuity
QJV--Qualified joint venture
QLAC--Qualified longevity annuity contract
QLI--Qualified leasehold improvements
QLICI--Qualified low-income community investment
QLHIP--Qualified leasehold improvement property
QLIP--Qualified leasehold improvement property
QLITC--Qualified low income taxpayer clinic
QMAC--Qualified matching contributions
QMC--Qualifed matching contribution (also QMAC)
QMB--Qualified mortgage bond
QMDM--Quantitative marketability discount model
QNEC--Qualified nonelective contributions
QO--Qualified opportunity
QOF--Qualified Opportunity Fund
QOR--Qualified Offer Rule
QOSA--Qualified optional survivor annuity
QOZ--Qualified Opportunity Zone
OPA--Online payment agreement
QPAI--Qualified production activity income
QPCA--Qualified payment card agent
QPCLA--Qualified patent cross licensing arrangement
QPEO--Qualifed professional employer organization
QPLO--Qualified plan loan offset
QPP--Qualifying production property
QPRI--Qualified principal residence indebtedness
QPRT--Qualified personal residence trust
QPS--Qualified preferred stock
QPSA--Qualified preretirement survivor annuity
QPSC--Qualified personal services corporation
QPTP--Qualified publicly traded partnership
QRA--Qualified research activities
QRB--Qualified rehabilitated building
QRD--Qualified reservist distributions
QRE--Qualified research expenses
QRE--Qualified rehabilitation expenditures
QRF--Qualified nonrecourse financing
QRIP--Qualified retail improvement property
QRP--Qualified restaurant property
QRP--Qualified replacement property
QRP--Questionable refund program
QRPBI--Qualified real property business indebtedness
QRT--Qualified revocable trust
QSBS--Qualified small business stock
QSCB--Qualified school construction bonds
QSD--Qualified stock dispositions
QSEHRA--Qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement
QSF--Qualified settlement fund
QSI--Qualified stated interest
QSLB--Qualified student loan bond
QSLOB--Qualified separate line of business
QSP--Qualified stock purchases
QSS--Qualified structured settlement
QSTP--Qualified state tuition program
QSV--Quick sale value
QTDP--Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project
QTF--Qualified transportation fringe
QTP--Qualified tuition plan (program)
QTRE--Qualified tuition and related expenses
QW--Qualifying widow(er)
QZAB--Qualifed zone academy bond

RA--Reporting agent
RA--Revenue Agent
RAB--Reasonably anticipated benefits
RAC--Refund anticipation check
RACS--Revenue Accounting Collection System
RAL--Refund anticipation loan
RAP--Rapid Appeals Process
RAR--Revenue agent's report
RAS--Office of Research, Analysis, and Statistics of Income
RBA--Restitution-based assessment
RBD--Required beginning date
RBIG--Recognized built-in gain
RBIL--Recognized built-in loss
RCA--Reasonable Cause Assistant
RCC--Rebate recovery credit
RCP--Reasonable collection potential
RCRA--Research credit recordkeeping agreement
RCTC--Refundable child tax credit
RDD--Return due date
RDP--Registered domestic partners
REIT--Real Estate Investment Trust
REP--Remote examination process
Rev. Proc.--Revenue Procedure
Rev. Rul.--Revenue Ruling
RFA--Relevant foreign asset
RFA--Retirement funding account
RO--Responsible officer
RP--Revenue Procedure
RR--Revenue Ruling
RFA--Regulatory flexibility analysis
RI--Royalty income
RICS--Return Integrity and Compliance Services
RIVO--Return Integrity Verification Operations
RLP--Required large partnership
RMD--Required minimum distribution
RMFP--Representative market or field price
RMTF--Risk Management Task Force
RO--Revenue officer
ROBS--Rollovers as business startups
ROTA--Revenue Officer Technical Advisor
ROTER--Record of tax enforcement results
RRP--Return review program
RPC--Return preparer coordinator
RPD--Return processible date
RPE--Relevant pass-through entity
RPO--Return Preparer Office
RPS--Revenue protection strategy
RPSM--Residual profit split method
RRAP--Rapid Response Appeals Process
RRC--Recovery Rebate Credit
RRTA--Railroad Retirement Tax Act
RS--Requesting spouse
RSU--Restricted stock unit
RTL--Regular tax liability
RTRP--Registered tax return preparer
RWI--Research and workload identification

SAC--Special agent in charge
SAG--Separate affiliated group
SALT--State and local tax (deduction)
SAR--Suspicious activity report
SAR--Summary annual report
SATESC--Servicewide Abusive Transaction Executive Steering Committee
SB/SE--Small Business/Self-Employed Division
SB/SE FTS--Small Business/Self-Employed Fast Track Settlement (program)
SBM--State-based marketplaces
SBC--Summary of benefits and coverage
SBC--Stock based compensation
SCA--Service Center Advice
SCBM--Simplified cost based method
SCCB--Service Center Collection Branch
SCE--Syndicated conservation easement
SCIN--Self-canceling installment note
SCM--Services cost method
SCP--Self-correction program
SCRIPS--Service Center Recognition/Image Processing System
SDA--Special depreciation allowance
SDLIA--Split-dollar life insurance arrangement
SEE--Special enrollment exam
SEHID--Self-employed health insurance deduction
SEI--Self-employment income
SEP--Simplified Employee Pension
SEP--Special enrollment period
SEPP--Substantially equal periodic payments
SEVP--Student exchange visitors program
SFC--Senate Finance Committee
SFC--Specified foreign corporation
SFCP--streamlined filing compliance procedures
SFR--Substitute for return
SHOP--Small Business Health Options Program
SIFL--Standard Industry Fare Level
SILO--Sale-In, Lease-Out
SIP--Single identifiable property
SIRF--Stolen identity refund fraud
SITCA--Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement
SL--Stakeholder Liason
SLAT--Spousal limited access trust
SLCSP--Second lowest cost silver plan
SLFRF--(Coronavirus) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
SLIAC--Streamlined Installment Agreement Calculator
SLIP--Special limited investment partnership
SME--Subject matter expert
SMEC--Specified minimum employer contribution
SMLLC--Single member limited liability company
SMI--Successor member interest
SMM--Summary of material modification
SND--Statutory notice of deficiency (also SNOD)
SO--Settlement officer
SOB--Son of BOSS
SOD--Sucessor of distributor
SOFR--Secured Overnight Financing Rate
SOI--Statistics of Income
SOL--Statute of limitations
SOSI--Stipulation of settled issues
SPA--Sale and purchase agreement
SPA--Significant participation activity (see also immediately below)
SPD--Summary plan description
SPPA--Significant passive participation activity
SPR--Securities position report
SPR--Statement of Procedural Rules
Substantial presence test
SPTO--Standing pretrial order
SS--Surviving spouse
SSA--Social Security Administration
SSA--Shared services arrangement
SSBT--Specified service trade or business
SSCM--Simplified service cost method
SSN--Social Security number
SSNVS--Social Security Number Verification System
SSRP--Substantially similar or related property
SSUTA--Streamlined Sales & Use Tax Agreement
SPEC--Office of Stakeholder, Partnerships, Education and Communication
SPF--Special procedures function
SPOC--Single point of contact
S.P.R.--Statements of Procedural Rules
SRLY--Separate return limitation year
SRM--Staff Review Memorandum
SRP--Shared Responsibility Payment
SRPM--Stated redemption price at maturity
SSR--Settlement Status Report
SSTB--Specified service trade or business
STARS--Structured trust repackaged securities transaction
Stat.--Statutes at Large
STCP--Student Tax Clinic Program
SIFR--Stolen identity refund fraud
STI--Separate taxable income
STJ--Special Trial Judge
STLDI--Short-term limited duration insurance
STR--Special tax regimes
SWA--State workforce agency

T--Target Corporation
TAA--Trade adjustment assistance
TAC--Taxpayer Assistance Center
TAD--Taxpayer advocate directive
TANF--Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
TAP--Taxpayer Advocacy Panel
TAS--Taxpayer Advocate Service
TAXDEF--National Tax Defier Initiative
TBR--Office of Taxpayer Burden Reduction
TBE--Tenancy by the entireties
TC--Tax Convention
T.C.--Tax Court
TCB--Tax credit bond
TCE--Tax Counseling for the Elderly Program
TCO--Tax compliance officer
T.D.--Treasury Decision (also TD)
TDA--Taxpayer delinquency account
TDA--Treasury Direct Account
TDF--Target date fund
TDI--Taxpayer delinquency investigation
TDS--Transcript Delivery System
TDO--Treasury Department Order
TE--Tax exempt, tax exempt organization
TEAM--Technical Expedited Advice Memoranda
TEB--Tax exempt bond
TEDB--Tribal economic development bonds
TEP--Taxpayer examination program
TEPA--Tipped employee participation agreement
TEOS--Tax exempt organization search
TETR--Telephone excise tax refund
TFRP--Trust fund recovery penalty
TGR--Total gross receipts
TI--Taxable income
TIA--Tax information authorization; also tax implementation agreement
TIEA--Tax information exchange agreement
TIF--Tier issue focus
TIGTA--Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
TIH--Trust interest holder
T.I.R.--Technical Information Release
TLAC--Total loss absorbing capacity
TLB--Tax Litigation Bulletin
TMP--Tax matters partner
TMP--Taxable mortgage pool
TMPG--Treasury Market Practices Group
TMT--Tentative minimum tax
TMT--Tax motivated transaction
TOP--Treasury Offset Program
TPC--Tax Policy Center
TPD--Third party designee
TPI--Total positive income
TPNC--Taxpayer Notice Code
TPO--Transfer pricing operations
TPP--Third Party Payer
TPP--Taxpayer protection program
TPR--Tangible property regulations
TPSO--Third party settlement organization
TRAC--Tip reporting alternative commitment
TRAC--Terminal rental adjustment clause
TRDA--Tip rate determination agreement
TRD/EP--Tip Rate Determination/Education Program
TRIS--Taxpayer rights impact statement
TRP--Tax reporting partner
TTB--Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury)
TTIN--Truncated taxpayer identification number
TWB--Taxable wage base
TYB--Taxable year beginning
TYBA--Taxable years beginning after
TYBB--Taxable years beginning before
TYBI--Taxable years beginning in
TYBOA--Tax year beginning on or after
TYEA--Taxable years ending after

TYE--Taxable year ended
TYWI--Taxable year which includes

U.S.C.--United States Code
UEBE--Unreimbursed employee business expenses
UBIA--Unadjusted basis immediately after acquisition
UBIT--Unrelated business income tax
UDFI--Unrelated debt financed income
UIL--Uniform issues list
UNI--Undistributed net income
UoP--Unit of property (also UOP)
UPE--Unreimbursed partnership expenses
UPR--Uniform percentage requirement
UPREIT--Umbrella partnership real estate investment trust
UPT--Upper-tier partnership
USFI--United State financial institution
USRPHC--U.S. real property holding company
USRPI--U.S. real property interest
UTC/UTL--Unable to contact/unable to locate
UTP--Uncertain tax position
UTP--Upper-tier partnership

VBID--Value-based insurance designs
VCP--Voluntary Correction Program
VCSP--Voluntary classification settlement program
VCR--Voluntary compliance rate
VS--Volume submitter

W&I--Wage and Investment Division
WHC--Withholding Compliance Program
WHFIT--Widely held fixed investment trust
WHMT--Widely held mortgage trust
WISP--Written Information Security Plan
WOTC--Work Opportunity Tax Credit
WP--Withholding foreign partnership agreement
WT--Withholding foreign trust agreement

XCF--Excess collection file



Selected Significant Tax Legislation


NSA--No Surprises Act (2022)
IRA--Inflation Reduction Act (2022)(P.L. 117-169)
CTRA--COVID-Related Tax Relief Act
ARPA--American Rescue Plan Act (2021)(P.L. 117-2)(also ARP)
CCA--Consolidated Appropriations Act (2021) (P.L. No. 116-260)
TCDTRA--Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act (2020)
FFCRA--Families First Coronavirus Response Act (2020)
CARES--Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (2020)(P.L. 116-36)
EPSLA--Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act
EFMLEA--Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act
FMLA--Family and Medical Leave Act
TFA--Taxpayer First Act
SECURE--Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (P. L. 116-94)
BBA--Bipartisian Budget Act of 2018
TCJA--Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (P.L. 115-97)
PATH--Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015
BBA--Bipartisian Budget Act of 2015
FAST--Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act of 2015
MACRA--Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (P.L. 114-10)
PACE--Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act of 2014
TIPA--Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014
FITARA--Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act of 2014
EHCCA--Expatriate Health Coverage Clarification Act
HATFA--Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014
MPRA--Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014
CSEC--Cooperative and Small Employer Charity Pension Flexibility Act (P.L. 113-97)
ATRA--American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (P.L. 112-240)
TRUIRJCA--Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-312
FACTA--Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (P. L. 113-159)
DARFA--Disaster Assistance Recoupment Fairness Act of 2011
EJMAA--Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-226)
HCERA--Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-152)
IPERA--Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 1010
HIRE--Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (P.L. 111-147)
PPACA--Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-149)
MSRRA--Military Spouses Residency Relief Act of 2009
WHBBA--Worker, Homeownership and Business Assistance Act of 2009
ARRA--American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-5)
HDTRA--Heartland Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-343)
TEAMTRA--Tax Extenders and Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2008
WRERA--Worker, Retiree, and Employer Recovery Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-458)
EESA--Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
HEART--Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008
HERA--Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (P. L. 110-289)
ESA--Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-185)
TIPA--Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-166)
SBWOTA--Small Business and Work Opportunity Tax Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-28)
TRHCA--Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-432)
PPA--Pension Protection Act of 2006
TIPRA--Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005
KETRA--Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005
GOZA--Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005
BAPCPA--Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005
AJCA--American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 (also JCA) (P.L. 108-357)
WFTRA--Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-311)
CRTRA--Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000
JGTRRA--Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (P.L. 108-27)
MFTRA--Military Family Tax Relief Act of 2003
JCWAA--Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002 (also JCWA) (P.L. 107-147)
EGTRRA--Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
CRA--Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2001
RRA--Restructing and Reform Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-206)
PRWORA--Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996
SBJPA--Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996
HIPAA--Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
TBOR--Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act
SSDERA--Social Security Domestic Employment Act of 1994
USERRA--Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994
VBIA--Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 1994
OBRA--Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Bill of 1993
TILA--Truth in Lending Act
FMLA--Family and Medical Leave Act
TAMRA--Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988
DEFRA--Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-369)
ERTA--Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981
FIRPTA--Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980
PRA--Paperwork Reduction Act
FDCPA--Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
CERCLA--Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980
APA--Administrative Procedure Act
FTCA--Federal Tort Claims Act
FECA--Federal Employees' Compensation Act
BSA--Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 (also known as the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act)
RFPA--Right to Financial Privacy Act
APA--Administrative Procedure Act


Copyright 1999-2023 by A/N Group, Inc. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is distributed with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The information is not necessarily a complete summary of all materials on the subject.--ISSN 1089-1536

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--Last update 07/26/23