IRS Pronouncements--2024

Small Business Taxes & ManagementTM--Copyright 2024, A/N Group, Inc.

Note. The list below contains a synopses of revenue rulings, revenue procedures, notices, announcements and regulations beginning with those issued January 1, 2024. Please note. Revenue Rulings, Procedures, etc. are not always released in strict numerical order. For a similar listing for prior years, go to:

IRS Pronouncements--2023
IRS Pronouncements--2022
IRS Pronouncements--2021
IRS Pronouncements--2020
IRS Pronouncements--2019
IRS Pronouncements--2018
IRS Pronouncements--2017
IRS Pronouncements--2016
IRS Pronouncements--2015
IRS Pronouncements--2014
IRS Pronouncements--2013
IRS Pronouncements--2012
IRS Pronouncements--2011
IRS Pronouncements--2010
IRS Pronouncements--2009
IRS Pronouncements--2008
IRS Pronouncements--2007
IRS Pronouncements--2006
IRS Pronouncements--2005
IRS Pronouncements--2004
IRS Pronouncements--2003
IRS Pronouncements--2002
IRS Pronouncements--2001
IRS Pronouncements--2000

We've included the IRB (Internal Revenue Bulletin) reference so you can find the full text on the IRS web site. We've tried to make the list as searchable as possible while keeping the descriptions short. Use the "find-in-page" or "find" feature of your browser (CTRL-F) to search this list. Be sure to try variations of keywords such as "activities" as well as "activity"; "depreciation" as well as "depreciate". The Applicable Federal Rate and interest rates on over- and underpayments are updated on our IRS Interest Rates page.


For Revenue Rulings--
For Revenue Procedures--
For Notices--

The xx must be at least two digits. Thus, Revenue Ruling 5 for 2024 would be:   For prior years, change the 24 to the appropriate year (available years vary).

New Additions - Bulletin 30

Rev. Proc. 2024-26 (IRB 2024-30) Sec. 446; automatic concent of Commissioner to change methods of accounting to the allowance charge-off method under Sec. 166; regulated financial companies; Rev. Proc. 2024-23 modified.
Rev. Proc. 2024-29 (IRB 2024-30) Private printing of red-ink substitutes for 2024 revisions of certain information returns; Rev. Proc. 2023-30 superseded.

T.D. 9999 (IRB 2023-30) Stautory disallowance of qualified conservation contribution made by partnership or S corporation after December 29, 2022; definitions, methods to calculate relevant basis; reporting requirements; SECURE 2.0 Act.

Notice 2024-58 (IRB 2024-30) Sec. 613A; applicable percentage depletion for marginal properties for calendar 2024.

For the full text of these rulings, go to Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-30


NOTE!--When searching for references to the Coronavirus, use COVID-19 instead.

Cumulative Listings - 2024

Revenue Rulings

Rev. Rul. 2024-14 (IRB 2024-28) Sec. 7701; IRS challenging certain partnership related-party transactions; economic substance doctrine; basis disparities; transfer of partnership transaction in nonrecognition transaction or liquidating distribution; basis adjustment claim under Secs. 732, 734, 743.
Rev. Rul. 2024-13 (IRB 2024-28) Applicable federal rates; adjusted federal long-term rate; July, 2024.
Rev. Rul. 2024-12 (IRB 2024-25) Applicable federal rates; adjusted federal long-term rate; June, 2024.
Rev. Rul. 2024-11 (IRB 2024-24) Interest rates on underpayments and overpayments; quarter beginning July 1, 2024.
Rev. Rul. 2024-10 (IRB 2024-22) Sec. 508; due to material changes in laws of a number of jurisdictions; Rev. Rul. 75-38 is obsoleted; satutory provisions governing private foundations.
Rev. Rul. 2024-9 (IRB 2024-19) Applicable federal rates; adjusted federal long-term rate; May, 2024.
Rev. Rul. 2023-8 (IRB 2023-16) Sec. 61; fringe benefits; terminal charge; aircraft valuation formula; SIFL; Standard Industry Fare Level first half 2024.
Rev. Rul. 2024-7 (IRB 2024-14) Applicable federal rates; adjusted federal long-term rate; April, 2024.
Rev. Rul. 2024-4 (IRB 2024-10) Applicable federal rates; adjusted federal long-term rate; March, 2024.
Rev. Rul. 2023-6 (IRB 2024-10) Interest rates on underpayments and overpayments; quarter beginning April 1, 2024.
Rev. Rul. 2024-5 (IRB 2024-07) Housing credit ceiling; reallocation; returned amounts from qualified disaster zones in 2021 and 2022.
Rev. Rul. 2024-3 (IRB 2024-06) Applicable federal rates; adjusted federal long-term rate; February, 2024.
Rev. Rul. 2024-2 (IRB 2024-02) Applicable federal rates; adjusted federal long-term rate; January, 2024.
Rev. Rul. 2024-1 (IRB 2024-02) Sec. 401; covered compensation tables.


Revenue Procedures

Rev. Proc. 2024-26 (IRB 2024-30) Sec. 446; automatic concent of Commissioner to change methods of accounting to the allowance charge-off method under Sec. 166; regulated financial companies; Rev. Proc. 2024-23 modified.
Rev. Proc. 2024-29 (IRB 2024-30) Private printing of red-ink substitutes for 2024 revisions of certain information returns; Rev. Proc. 2023-30 superseded.
Rev. Proc. 2024-26 (IRB 2024-27) Sec. 30D; updates existing procedures for qualified manufacturers to submit information regarding new clean vehicles; Rev. Proc. 2023-33 and Rev. Proc. 2023-38 modified.
Rev. Proc. 2024-23 (IRB 2024-23) List of Automatic Procedures for taxpayer-initiated requests for changes in methods of accounting.
Rev. Proc. 2024-25 (IRB 2024-22) Sec. 223; Health Savings Accounts; HSAs; 2025 inflation adjusted amounts.
Rev. Proc. 2024-22 (IRB 2024-22) Sec. 501; due to material changes in laws of many jurisdictions Rev. Proc. 82-2 obsoleted; organization requirement assets of corgainization be dedicated to an exempt purpose.
Rev. Proc. 2024-24 (IRB 2024-21) Sec. 355; private letter rulings; updated procedures; Rev. Proc. 2017-52 modified; Rev. Proc. 2018-53 suoerseded,
Rev. Proc. 2024-21 (IRB 2024-19) Issuers of qualified mortgage bonds and mortgage credit certificates; nationwide average purchase price.
Rev. Proc. 2024-20 (IRB 2024-19) Sec. 842; foreign life and property and casualty insurance companies; domestic asset/liability percentages; domestic investment yields.Rev. Proc. 2024-19 (IRB 2024-16) Sec. 48; solar and wind capacity limitation; low income communities bonus credit program.
Rev. Proc. 2024-18 (IRB 2024-15) Sec. 42; unused housing credit carryovers for 2023; Rev. Proc. 2023-32 supplemented.
Rev. Proc. 2024-17 (IRB 2024-15) Sec. 911; physical presence test/bona fide residence test for foreign earned income exclusion; exception to requirement for countries in civil unrest, war, etc.; list of countries.
Rev. Proc. 2024-11 (IRB 2024-13) Specifications for private printing of Form series 941; Rev. Proc. 2023-13 superseded.
Rev. Proc. 2024-15 (IRB 2024-12) Public utility; transaction to recover costs; issuance of debt instrument by qualifying State financing agency; Rev. Proc. 2005-62 modified..
Rev. Proc. 2024-14 (IRB 2024-9) Sec. 4980H; employer shared responsibility act; indexed adjustment amounts.
Rev. Proc. 2024-13 (IRB 2024-9) Sec. 167; 280F; depreciation limitations for cars and trucks; lease inclusion amounts; calendar year 2024.
Rev. Proc. 2024-12 (IRB 2024-9) Sec. 30D; 25E; electric vehicles; timing and submission of seller reports; temporary extension of time.
Rev. Proc. 2024-9 (IRB 2024-5) Sec. 174; automatic change of methods of accounting; taxable years beginning after December 31, 2021; developing computer software; Rev. Proc. 2000-50 obsoleted; Rev. Proc. 2023-24 clarified.
Rev. Proc. 2024-8 (IRB 2024-4) Sec. 143; 25; qualiied mortgage bonds; mortgage credit certificates; list of qualified census tracts; REv. Proc. 2014-14 modified and superseded.
Rev. Proc. 2024-7 (IRB 2024-1) Areas in which rulings will not be issued, Associate Chief Counsel (International).
Rev. Proc. 2024-5 (IRB 2024-1) Procedures for isuing determination letters on issues under the jurisdiction of Director, Exempt Organizations; user fees for requests.
Rev. Proc. 2024-4 (IRB 2024-1) Update of Rev.Proc. 2022-4; types of advice the IRS to taxpayers on issues under the Commissioner, Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, Employee Plans Rulings and Agreements and procedures for letter rulings and determination letters.
Rev. Proc. 2024-3 (IRB 2024-1) Revised list of areas under Associated Chief Counsel (Corporate, Financial institutions and Products, Income Tax and Accounting, Passthroughs and Special Industries, Procedure and Administration, and Employee Benefits, Exempt Organizations and Employment Taxes) on which the Service will not issue letter rulings or determination letters; Rev. Proc. 2023-3 superseded.
Rev. Proc. 2024-2 (IRB 2024-1) Procedures for Technical advice memoranda; TAMS; taxpayer rights when field office requests TAMS; Rev. Proc. 2023-2 superseded.
Rev. Proc. 2024-1 (IRB 2024-1) Procedures for letter rulings and information letters; Associate Chief Counsel; Corporate; Financial Institutions and Products; Income Tax and Accounting; International; Passthroughs and Special Industries; Procedure and Administration; Tax Exempt and Government Entities; Rev. Proc. 2023-1 superseded.



T.D. 9999 (IRB 2023-30) Stautory disallowance of qualified conservation contribution made by partnership or S corporation after December 29, 2022; definitions, methods to calculate relevant basis; reporting requirements; SECURE 2.0 Act.
T.D. 10002 (IRB 2023-29) Sec. 4501; excise tax on repurchases of stock of publicly traded company; procedural rules; reporting and payment of tax.
T.D. 9997 (IRB 2023-25) PTIN numbers; return requirement if prepared for fee; $11 per application or renewal.
T.D. 9993 (IRB 2023-25) Transfer of eligible credits; rules related to pre-filing registration process; transfer election; definitions.
T.D. 9996 (IRB 2023-22) Sec. 2642; allocations and elections related to the generation-skipping transfer tax; GST; extensions of time to make election; relief available only under Sec. 2642(g).
T.D. 9995 (IRB 2023-22) Sec. 25E; 30D; critical minerals and battery components; transfer of clean vehical credits; qualified manufacturers rules.
T.D. 9992 (IRB 2023-21) Determination of whether a qualified investment entity is domestically controlled; treate of qualified foreign pension funds; holdings of foreign persons.
T.D. 9990 (IRB 2023-19) Sec. 105; definition of individual health insurance coverage; amendment of rules for hospital indemnity; definition of short-term, limited-duration insurance.
T.D. 9989 (IRB 2023-15) Sec. 48D; election to treat as payment of taxes; definitions and special rules; prefiling registration process.
T.D. 9988 (IRB 2023-15) Sec. 6417; treatment of certain tax credits; election to treat as payment of taxes; definitions and special rules; list of applicable credits; prefiling registration process.
T.D. 9987 (IRB 2023-6) Defined benefit pension plans; minimum present value requirements; changes made by Pension Protection Act 2006
T.D. 9986 (IRB 2023-5) Specify methodology for constructing corporate bond yield curve used to derive interest rates in calculating present value and other calculations for a defined benefit plan.
T.D. 9985 (IRB 2023-5) Fees related to No Surprises Act; Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.
T.D. 9984 (IRB 2023-3) Safe harbor exceptions for de minimis errors on information returns and payee statements which treat as correct certain erroeneous statements for certain penalty purposes.


Proposed Regulations

REG 124593-23 (IRB 2024-28) Sec. 267; 707; 732; 743; transactions of interest; related parties in a partnership.
REG 133850-13 (IRB 2024-25) Sec. 364A; removal of associated property rule and similar rules on interest capitalization requirements for improvements; definition of improvement.
REG 124850-08 (IRB 2024-24) Information reporting; foreign trusts; receipt of large gifts, bequests, devises, or inheritances (foreign gifts) from foreign persons; ownership of certain foreign trusts.
REG 117631-23 (IRB 2024-21) Sec. 45V; 48; production of clean hydrogen; election to treat clean hydrogen production facilities as energy property.
REG 118499-23 (IRB 2024-20) Sec. 4501; stock repurchase excise tax; rules for reporting and paying stock repurchase excise tax.
REG 115710-22 (IRB 2024-20) Sec. 4501; application of the stock repurchase excise tax; how to calculate the amount of tax.
REG 123376-22 (IRB 2024-17) Changes to the regulations relating to the disclosure of specified return information to the Bureau of Census.
REG 108761-22 (IRB 2024-16) Sec. 6011; 6112; Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust; CRAT; described in notice of proposed rule making are listed transactions; purport to eliminate recognition of ordinary income and/or capital gain on appreciated property contributed to a CRAT; purchase of single premium immediate annuity; SPIA.
REG 117542-22 (IRB 2024-16) Sec. 7602; regulations regarding advance notice to taxpayers prior to IRS contact with third parties; 45-day advance notice.
REG 117631-23 (IRB 2024-14) Sec. 45V; 48; tax credit for production of qualified clean hydrogen; election to treat qualified property that is part of a specified clean hydrogen facility as energy property under Sec. 48.
REG 101552-24 (IRB 2024-4) Sec. 6417; exceptions to existingregulations regarding certain unicorporated organizations to be excluded from otherwise applicable partnership tax rules; partnerships owned by tax-exempt organizations.
REG 121010-17 (IRB 2024-5) Sec. 166; determining worthlessness of debt instrument held by a regulated financial company for Federal income tax purposes.
REG 107423-23 (IRB 2024-3) Sec. 45X; advanced manufacturing production credit; incentiize domestic production of certain green energy components; sdolar energy, wind energy; inverters.
REG 118492-23 (IRB 2024-1) Sec. 30D; qualified manufacturers of new clean vehicles; rules regarding excluded entities; manufacturered after December 21, 2024; critical minerals contained in the battery; extracted or processed or recycled by a foreign entity; manufactureed or assembled after December 31, 2023.



Notice 2024-58 (IRB 2024-30) Sec. 613A; applicable percentage depletion for marginal properties for calendar 2024.
Notice 2024-57 (IRB 2024-29) Sec. 6045; digital assets; information returns not required for certain identified transactions.
Notice 2024-56 (IRB 2024-29) Sec. 6045; digital assets; reporting requirements by brokers; transitional relief from penalties for failure to timely file information returns; backup withholding.
Notice 2024-55 (IRB 2024-28) Sec. 72; SECURE 2.0; exception to 10% penalty early distribution from retirement plan for victim of domestic abuse.
Notice 2024-54 (IRB 2024-28) Sec. 732; 734; 743; 755; 1502; notice of proposed regulations; special rules for cost recovery of positive basis adjustments; basis adjusted property; rules to clearly reflect the taxable income of a consolidated group0 whose members own interests in a partnership.
Notice 2024-53 (IRB 2024-27) Corporate bond monthly yield curve June 2024; Sec. 417; 430; interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities.
Notice 2024-52 (IRB 2024-27) Sec. 45I; applicable reference price for qualified natural gas production qualified marginal wells; taxable years beginning i 2024.
Notice 2024-47 (IRB 2024-27) Sec. 55; 6655; corporate alternative minimum tax; CAMT; estimated tax penalty; waived for estimated tax due April 15 or May 5, 2024; extension of relief in Notice 2024-33.
Notice 2024-51 (IRB 2024-26) Sec. 45K; 613A; reference price for nonconventional source production credit period ended; enhanced oil recovery credit, marginal well production credit; percentage depletion in case of oil and natural gas produed from marginal properties.
Notice 2024-50 (IRB 2024-26) Sec. 4672; importer or exporter of any substance request addition or removal from list of taxable substances; addition of polyoxymethylene is added to list.
Notice 2024-49 (IRB 2024-26) Registration requirements for the clean fuel production requirements for clean fuel production credit; signed registration letter must be available before January 1, 2025 for eligibility starting January 1, 2025.
Notice 2024-48 (IRB 2024-26) Sec. 45, 45Y, 48, 48E; Notice 2023-29; requirements under Statistical Area Category or Coal Closure Category; energy community bonus credit amounts or rates
registration requirements for the clean fuel production requirements for clean fuel production credit.
Notice 2024-46 (IRB 2024-26) Sec. 139; derailment of freight train in East Palestine, Ohio is a qualified disaster; certain payments made to individuals excludable from gross income.
Notice 2024-45 (IRB 2024-26) Sec. 45V; inflation adjustment factors for credit for production of clean hydrogen for 2023 and 2024.
Notice 2024-44 (IRB 2024-25) Src. 871; delay effictive date of certain rules in those final regulations; extension of phase-in period.
Notice 2024-43 (IRB 2024-25) Sec. 59A; 6038A; reporting of qualified derivative payments; delay until taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2027.
Notice 2024-42 (IRB 2024-25) Sec. 417; 430; updated static mortality tables; minimum present value; determination of distributions and annuity starting dates.
Notice 2024-41 (IRB 2024-24) Sec. 45; 45Y; 48; 48E; modification of existing domestic content safe harbor in Notice 2023-38.
Notice 2024-40 (IRB 2024-24) Corporate bond monthly yield curve May 2024; Sec. 417; 430; interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities.
Notice 2024-39 (IRB 2024-24) Sec. 45Q; adjustment factor for the carbon oxide sequestration credit for 2024; Notice 2009-83 and Notice 2011-25 obsoleted.
Notice 2024-36 (IRB 2024-24) Sec. 48C; second round of credit allocations; Energy Communities Census Tracts; Notices 2023-18 and 2023-44 clarified and amplified.
Notice 2024-38 (IRB 2024-21) Sec. 355; private letter rulings public feedback requested on provisions in Rev. Proc. 2024-24.
Notice 2024-37 (IRB 2024-21) Sec. 40B; 40BSAF-GREET 2024 model as qualifying method and provides safe harbor for calculating emissions reduction; use of domestic soybean and corn feedstocks.
Notice 2024-35 (IRB 2024-19) Sec. 401; required minimum distributions; years beginning after January 1, 2025; 10-year rule; RMD distribution period; SECURE Act.
Notice 2024-34 (IRB 2024-18) Corporate bond monthly yield curve April 2024; Sec. 417; 430; interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities.
Notice 2024-33 (IRB 2024-18) Sec. 55; 6655; corporate alternative minimum tax; relief from addition to tax; CAMT; failure to pay estimated tax on CAMT liability; first quarterly installment.
Notice 2024-32 (IRB 2024-16) Sec. 144; qualified student loan bonds; clarification of certain requirements for tax-exempt bond financing for loan programs; eligibility of borrowers; guidance as to refunding issue.
Notice 2024-30 (IRB 2024-16) Nameplate Capacity Attribution Rule in Notice 2023-29 to add property in two North American Industry Classifications System codes; Notice 2023-29 modified.
Notice 2024-29 (IRB 2024-14) Corporate bond monthly yield curve March 2024; Sec. 417; 430; interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities.
Notice 2024-28 (IRB 2024-13) Request for recommendations for 2024-2025 Priority Guidance Plan.
Notice 2024-27 (IRB 2024-12) Sec. 6417; 6418; request for comments; transfer where election made.
Notice 2024-26 (IRB 2024-12) Form 1042; electronic filing requirements.
Notice 2024-25 (IRB 2024-12) Sec. 42, 142, 146; state housing credit; resident population of 50 states; private activity bond credit; private activity b ond volume limit.
Corporate bond monthly yield curve February 2024; Sec. 417; 430; interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities.
Notice 2024-23 (IRB 2024-7) Sec. 529; distributions from or distributions transferred to the Maryland Prepaid College Trust; taxpayers impacted by 2023 system issues; 12 month limitation in Sec. 529(c)93)(C)(iii).
Notice 2024-20 (IRB 2024-7) Sec. 30C; qualified alternative fuel vehicle property; geographic requirements; population census tracts.
Notice 2024-22 (IRB 2024-6) Guidance on pension-linked emergency savings accounts; PLESAs; anti-abuse rules; Sec. 402A.
Notice 2024-21 (IRB 2024-6) Corporate bond monthly yield curve January 2024; Sec. 417; 430; interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities.
Notice 2024-19 (IRB 2024-5) Relief from penalties for failure of a partnership with unrealized receivables or inventory to furnish Part IV of Form 8308 by January 31, 2024; sale or exchange of partnership interests.
Notice 2024-18 (IRB 2024-5) Availability of administrative exemptions from and waivers of the requirements to file returns in electronic form; 1120; 1120-S; 1120-F; 990; 990-PF; Notice 2010-13 obsoleted; Notice 2023-60 modified.
Notice 2024-16 (IRB 2024-5) Sec. 961; controlled foreign corporation; CFC; basis consequences of internal restructing transactions; Sec. 332 liquidation or asset reorganization described in Sec. 368(a)(1).
Notice 2024-13 (IRB 2024-5) Sec. 25C; intention to propose regulations to implement the product identification number (PIN) requirement with respect to the energy efficient home improvement credit Notice 2024-12 (IRB 2024-5) Sec. 174; specified research or experimental expenditures; costs paid or incurred by a research provider for research performed under contract; Rev. Proc. 2000-50 portion obsoleted; Notice 2023-63 clarified and modified.
Notice 2024-10 (IRB 2024-3) Corporate alternative minimum tax; CAMT; interim guidance; AFSI; adjusted financial statement income; controlled foreign corporation; applicable financial statement of members of a consolidated group.
Notice 2024-11 (IRB 2024-2) Sec. 1; list of treaties that meet requirements; Chile added, Russia and Hngary removed; Notice 2011-64 amplified and superseded.
Notice 2024-9 (IRB 2024-2) Secs. 45, 45Y, 48 and 48E; intent to propose regulations; elective payment phaseout for entities that do not satisfy domestic content requirements.
Notice 2024-8 (IRB 2024-2) 2024 options standared mileage rates for taxpayers to use in computing cost of operating an auto for business, charitable, medical and moving expenses; reductions in basis for depreciation under standard mileage rate; maximum fair market value of employer-provided automobiles for personal use; vehicle cents per mile valuatioin rule.
Notice 2024-7 (IRB 2024-2) Resumption of mailing of automated reminder notices for unpaid taxes; automatic relief to eligible taxpayers from the additions to from additions to tax for failure to pay with respect to certain income tax returns fo 2020 and 2021.
Notice 2024-6 (IRB 2024-2) Sustainable aviation fuel credit; SAF; Renewal Fuel Standard Program; RFS; Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Technologies; GREET.
Notice 2024-5 (IRB 2024-2) Sec. 45W; safe harbor regarding incremental cost of certain qualified commercial clean vehicles placed in service in 2023.
Notice 2024-4 (IRB 2024-2) Corporate bond monthly yield curve December 2023; Sec. 417; 430; interest rate on 30-year Treasury securities.
Notice 2024-3 (IRB 2024-2) 2023 Cumulative List of Changes in Plan Qualifiecation Requirements for Defined Contribution Qualified PLre-approved Plans; 2023 Cumulative List.
Notice 2024-2 (IRB 2024-2) SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022; guidance in the form of questions and answers.
Notice 2024-1 (IRB 2024-2) No Surprises Act; indexing factors for group health plans and health insurance providers; qualifying payment amount; QPA; services provied on or after January 1, 2024 and before January 1, 2025.



Announcement 2024-29 (IRB 2024-29) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.
Announcement 2024-28 (IRB 2024-28) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.
Announcement 2024-27 (IRB 2024-27) Daystar Public Radio Inc.; revocation of Sec. 501(c)(3) status; effective January 1, 2018.
Announcement 2024-25 (IRB 2024-25) Sec. 48; Total unallocated environmental justice solar and wind capacity limitation; Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program; carried-over Capacity Limitation.
Announcement 2024-24 (IRB 2024-24) Sec. 179D; reverence standards required; energy efficient commercial building property; EECBP.
Announcement 2024-23 (IRB 2024-24) Sec. 501; Functional Health Inc. qualification as Sec. 501(c)(3) organization revoked effective January 31, 2018: deductibility of contributions; maximum deduction protected.
Announcement 2024-22 (IRB 2024-24) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.
Announcement 2024-21 (IRB 2024-21) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.
Announcement 2024-18 (IRB 2024-21) Office of Professional Responsibility; OPR; disciplinary sanctions.
Announcement 2024-20 (IRB 2024-19) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.
Announcement 2024-19 (IRB 2024-17) Tax treatment of payments for purchase of energy efficient property and improvements as part of Department of Energy's Home Energy Rebate Programs; claiming tax credit under Sec. 25C.
Announcement 2024-17 (IRB 2024-16) Errors in REG-101552-24.
Announcement 2024-16 (IRB 2024-16) Annual report on advance pricing agreements; APAs.Br> Announcement 2024-15 (IRB 2024-15) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.
Announcement 2024-14 (IRB 2024-12) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.
Announcement 2024-10 (IRB 2024-11) Income tax treatment of certain lead service line replacement programs for residential property owners; replacement work done under the program will not result in income; governments not required to file information returns.
Announcement 2024-13 (IRB 2024-10) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.
Announcement 2024-11 (IRB 2024-9) Office of Professional Responsibility; OPR; disciplinary sanctions.
Announcement 2024-12 (IRB 2024-8) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.
Announcement 2024-9 (IRB 2024-7) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.
Announcement 2024-8 (IRB 2024-7) Sec. 501; charitable organizations; determination that Altruistic United Humanity Association qualifies as a Sec. 501(c)(3) organization; deductions disallowed.
Announcement 2024-7 (IRB 2024-7) Corrections to Rev. Proc. 2024-5; errors on user fee schedule.
Announcement 2024-4 (IRB 2024-6) Sec. 6060I; digital assets definition of assets included in caah; $10,000 threshold reporting requirement for cash received by a trade or business.
Announcement 2024-6 (IRB 2024-5) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.
Announcement 2024-5 (IRB 2024-5) Termination of United States-Hungary Tax Treaty not effective with respect to amounts paid or credited after January 1, 2024.
Announcement 2024-3 (IRB 2024-2) Employee retention credit; ERC; Voluntary Disclosure Program for taxpayers to resolve refunds or credits for erroneous Employee Retention Credit Claims; explains taxpayer eligibility criteria; procdedures for electing taxpayers.
Announcement 2024-1 (IRB 2024-2) Sec. 501; organizations no longer qualifying as 501(c)(3) for failure to meet code section requirements; contributions by individual donors no longer deductible.


Action On Decision



       Links to Individual Bulletins

Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-1        Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-27
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-2        Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-28
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-3        Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-29
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-4        Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-30
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-5
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-6
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-7
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-8
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-9
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-10
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-11
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-12
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-13
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-14
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-15
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-16
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-17
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-18
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-19
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-20
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-21
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-22
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-23
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-24
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-25
Internal Revenue Bulletin 2024-26


Copyright 2024 by A/N Group, Inc. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is distributed with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The information is not necessarily a complete summary of all materials on the subject. Copyright is not claimed on material from U.S. Government sources--ISSN 1089-1536

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--Last Update 07/20/24